#################################### Setup remote date source #################################### Besides the local pyLARDA variant, a remote data source can be set up. The data_containers for a requested time/range interval are then loaded from the server via http and compressed with msgpack_. .. _msgpack: https://msgpack.org/ Additional requirements ----------------------- .. code-block:: python flask flask_cors cbor gunicorn .. attention:: It is strongly recommended to use an virtural environment. ``python3 -m venv larda-env`` Setup ----- gunicorn ^^^^^^^^ Adapt the ``larda/http_server/gunicorn_config.py`` to your needs. gunicorn will the backend at the specified port (default: 7979). To run gunicorn permanently a service has to be set up. On older operating systems upstart might be available, newer ubuntu versions use systemd. upstart ^^^^^^^ Put the config into the upstart dir (usually ``/etc/init/weblarda3.conf``) Likely you will have to adapt the location of the python executable. .. code-block:: none description "weblarda3" start on started sshd stop on shutdown chdir /home/larda3/larda/http_server exec /home/larda3/miniconda3/bin/gunicorn http_server:app -c gunicorn_config.py The server can be started with ``start weblarda3`` systemd ^^^^^^^ The configuration is usually located in ``/etc/systemd/system/weblarda3.service`` .. code-block:: none [Unit] Description=weblarda3 After=network.target [Service] User=larda3 #Restart=on-failure Restart=always RuntimeMaxSec=10800 WorkingDirectory=/home/larda3/larda/http_server ExecStart=/home/larda3/larda-env/bin/gunicorn -c gunicorn_config.py http_server:app [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``systemctl daemon-reload`` ``systemctl enable weblarda3`` ``systemctl start weblarda3`` .. hint:: Systems running SELinux might require a modification of the type enforcement rules - Now check with ``curl localhost:7979/api/``. The response should be a list of available campaigns. - to make the gunicorn server at port 7979 accessible by the outside, a proxy server (apache/nginx) has to be set up. apache ^^^^^^^ For example the apache site configuration might look like .. code-block:: none ServerName larda.tropos.de DocumentRoot /lacroshome/larda/www/ ErrorLog logs/larda_error_log CustomLog logs/larda_custom_log common ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass /larda3/ timeout=600 Keepalive=On ProxyPassReverse /larda3/ http://larda.tropos.de/larda3/ timeout=600 When in doubt, contact your sysadmin. frontend ^^^^^^^^ The files for the larda frontend (data availability overview and explorer) can be placed in ``http_server/public``. .. note:: TODO: make the frontend files downloadable cronjob ^^^^^^^ The connectordump should be updated regularly with a cronjob calling ``ListCollector.py``, to speed up data loading. Finally, the remote can be used: .. code-block:: python larda = pyLARDA.LARDA('remote', uri='http://')