Data container and transformations
Data container format
The connector provides the data loaded from the netcdf file as a data contianer (plain python dict
with a specific set of keys).
As a rule of thumb the pyLARDA.NcReader()
returns the variable in linear units, the time as unix timestamp and the range in m.
Following keys are currently specified:
Key |
Example |
velocity (of Doppler spectrum, optional) |
eg |
the actual data as |
a bool mask |
the info dict derived for the parameter config file (do not mutate) |
the source file |
unit for the range |
unit for the variable |
limits for the plot |
colormap to use |
dict of meta data read with the meta.* tags |
(opt) dict definition of the variable (e.g. cloudnet class flags) |
Transformations operate on a single or several data container(s).
As a rule of thumb, transformations either return a data container or a plot.
# get a data_container
MIRA_Zg ="MIRA","Zg", [dt_begin, dt_end], [0, 4000])
# plot it
fig, ax = pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_timeheight(
MIRA_Zg, range_interval=[500, 3000], z_converter='lin2z')
fig.savefig('MIRA_Z.png', dpi=250)
# or for interpolation
interpolated_container = pyLARDA.Transformations.interpolate2d(MIRA_Zg, new_time=array)
interpolated_container = pyLARDA.Transformations.interpolate2d(MIRA_Zg, new_range=array)
The arrays of a data container can either be modified directly
# copy to not overwrite the values
data_new = {**data}
data_new['var'] = data['var']/15.3*20.6
# 'mask' is also just a numpy array, though with boolean values
data_new['mask'] = np.logical_or(data_new['mask'], data_new['var'] > 7)
It is recommended to use the pyLARDA.Transformations.combine()
functionality, to not loose the meta-information:
def correct_Z_bias(data):
var = data['var'] + h.z2lin(8.)
return var, data['mask']
Z_corrected = pyLARDA.Transformations.combine(correct_Z_bias, Z, {})
Several plotting functions were refactored, consider using the new functions:
, pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_timeheight2()
, pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_scatter2()
Subsetting of a data containter is facilitated with the pyLARDA.Transformations.slice_container()
Conversion and output
Data containers can be easily converted into and xarray.DataArray with pyLARDA.Transformations.container2DataArray()
or stored into a netcdf with pyLARDA.NcWrite.write_simple_nc()
function list
- pyLARDA.Transformations.join(datadict1, datadict2)[source]
join two data containers in time domain
when you want to join more than two data containers use reduce as done in the connector
they have to be in the correct time order
- Parameters:
datadict1 – left data container
datadict2 – right data container
- Returns:
merged data container
- pyLARDA.Transformations.interpolate1d(data, mask_thres=0.0, **kwargs)[source]
same as interpolate2d but for 1d containers (time or range dimension must be len 1)
- Parameters:
data – larda data container to be interpolated in its 1d-dimension
new_time (for interpolation in time dimension) – new time vector to which data should be interpolated
new_range (for interpolation in range dimension) – new range vector to which data should be interpolated
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.Transformations.interpolate2d(data, mask_thres=0.1, **kwargs)[source]
interpolate timeheight data container
- Parameters:
mask_thres (float, optional) – threshold for the interpolated mask
**new_time (np.array) – new time axis
**new_range (np.array) – new range axis
**method (str) – if not given, use scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline
arguments (valid method) – ‘linear’ - scipy.interpolate.interp2d ‘nearest’ - scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator ‘rectbivar’ (default) - scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.Transformations.combine(func, datalist, keys_to_update, **kwargs)[source]
apply a func to the variable
- Parameters:
func – a function that takes [datacontainer1, datacontainer2, ..] as given input (order as given in datalist) and returns var, mask
datalist – list of data containers or single data container
keys_to_update – dictionary of keys to update
- Returns:
new data container
- pyLARDA.Transformations.slice_container(data, value={}, index={})[source]
slice a data_container either by values or indices (or combination of both)
using on
slice_container(data, value={'time': [timestamp1], 'range': [4000, 5000]}) # or slice_container(data, value={'time': [timestamp1, timestamp2], 'range': [4000, 5000]}) # or slice_container(data, index={'time': [10, 20], 'range': [5, 25]}) #or slice_container(data, value={'time': [timestamp1, timestamp2]}, index={'range': [5, 25]})
- Parameters:
value (dict) – slice by value of coordinate axis
index (dict) – slice by index of axis
- Returns:
a sliced container
- pyLARDA.Transformations.select_closest(data, ts)[source]
Select closest time steps from larda container to given time steps and replaces original time steps with given ones Useful when plotting flag data, as interpolation does not work with categorical data
- Parameters:
data – larda container
ts (ndarray) – array with unix time steps
- Returns:
larda container with time steps closest to the given ones
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_timeseries(data, **kwargs)[source]
plot a timeseries data container
- Parameters:
data (dict) – data container
**time_interval (list dt) – constrain plot to this dt
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’ or ‘log’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**figsize (list) – size of figure, default is
[10, 5.7]
**linewidth (float) – controls the line width
**alpha (float) – controls transparency between [0, 1]
**label (string, Bool) – True, label the data automatically, otherwise use string
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_profile(data, **kwargs)[source]
plot a profile data container
- Parameters:
data (dict) – data container
**range_interval (list) – constrain plot to this ranges
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’ or ‘log’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**figsize (list) – size of figure, default is
[4, 5.7]
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_timeheight(data, fig=None, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]
plot a timeheight data container
- Parameters:
data (dict) – data container
**time_interval (list dt) – constrain plot to this dt
**range_interval (list float) – constrain plot to this ranges
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’ or ‘log’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**contour – add a countour
**figsize (list) – size of figure, default is
[10, 5.7]
**zlim (list) – set vmin and vmax of color axis
**title – True/False or string, True will auto-generate title
**rg_converter – True/false, True will convert from “m” to “km”
**time_diff_jumps – default is 60
**fig – add to an existing figure
**ax – add to an existing axis
**cbar – removes cbar if False
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_barbs_timeheight(u_wind, v_wind, *args, **kwargs)[source]
barb plot for plotting of horizontal wind vector
- Parameters:
u_wind (dict) – u component of horizontal wind, m/s
v_wind (dict) – v component of horizontal wind, m/s
*sounding_data – data container (dict) Wyoming radiosounding, m/s
**range_interval – range interval to be plotted
**figsize – size of png (default is [10, 5.7])
**all_data – True/False, default is False (plot only every third height bin)
**z_lim – min/max velocity for plot (default is 0, 25 m/s)
**labelsize – size of the axis labels (default 12)
**barb_length – length of the barb (default 5)
**flip_barb – bool to flip the barb for the SH (default is false (=NH))
**fig – existing matplotlib figure
**ax – existing matplotlib axis
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_scatter(data_container1, data_container2, identity_line=True, **kwargs)[source]
scatter plot for variable comparison between two devices or variables
- Parameters:
data_container1 (dict) – container 1st device
data_container2 (dict) – container 2nd device
x_lim (list) – limits of var used for x axis
y_lim (list) – limits of var used for y axis
c_lim (list) – limits of var used for color axis
**identity_line (bool) – plot 1:1 line if True
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**custom_offset_lines (float) – plot 4 extra lines for given distance
**info (bool) – print slope, interception point and R^2 value
**figsize (list) – size of the figure in inches
**font_size (int) – default: 15
**font_weight (int) – default: semibold
**colorbar (bool) – if True, add a colorbar to the scatterplot
**color_by (dict) – data container 3rd device
**scale (string) – ‘lin’ or ‘log’ –> if you get a ValueError from matplotlib.colors try setting scale to lin, log does not work for negative values!
**cmap (string) – colormap
**formstring (string) – format string to use as key word argument to fig.colorbar, overwrites the default values for ‘lin’ or ‘log’ scale. E.g. use “%.2f” for displaying two digits
**Nbins (int) – number of bins for histograms
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_frequency_of_occurrence(data, legend=True, **kwargs)[source]
Frequency of occurrence diagram of a variable (number of occurrence for each range bin). x-axis is separated into n bins, default value for n = 100.
- Parameters:
data (dict) – container of Ze values
**n_bins (integer) – number of bins for reflectivity values (x-axis), default 100
**x_lim (list) – limits of x-axis, default: data[‘var_lims’]
**y_lim (list) – limits of y-axis, default: minimum and maximum of data[‘rg’]
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**range_offset (list) – range values where chirp shift occurs
**sensitivity_limit (np.array) – 1-Dim array containing the minimum sensitivity values for each range
**title (string) – plot title string if given, otherwise not title
**legend (bool) – prints legend, default True
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_foo_general(data_1, data_2, legend=True, **kwargs)[source]
Frequency of occurrence diagram of a variable (number of occurrence binned by another variable). x-axis is separated into n bins, default value for n = 100.
- Parameters:
data_1 (dict) – container of e.g. Ze values
data_2 (dict) – container of e.g. velocity values
**x_bins (integer) – number of bins for dataset 2 values (x-axis), default 100
**y_bins (integer) – number of bins for dataset 1 values (y-axis), default 100
**x_lim (list) – limits of x-axis, default: data_2[‘var_lims’]
**y_lim (list) – limits of y-axis, default: data_1[‘var_lims’]
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**range_offset (list) – range values where chirp shift occurs
**sensitivity_limit (np.array) – 1-Dim array containing the minimum sensitivity values for each range
**title (string) – plot title string if given, otherwise not title
**legend (bool) – prints legend, default True
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_spectra(data, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Finds the closest match to a given point in time and height and plot Doppler spectra.
The user is able to provide sliced containers, e.g.
one spectrum:
data['dimlabel'] = ['vel']
range spectrogram:
data['dimlabel'] = ['range', 'vel']
time spectrogram:
data['dimlabel'] = ['time, 'vel']
time-range spectrogram:
data['dimlabel'] = ['time, 'range', 'vel']
- Parameters:
data (dict) – data container
*data2 (dict or numpy.ndarray) – data container of a second device
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**velmin (float) – minimum x axis value
**velmax (float) – maximum x axis value
**vmin (float) – minimum y axis value
**vmax (float) – maximum y axis value
**save (string) – location where to save the pngs
**figsize (list) – size of png, default is [10, 5.7]
**mean (float) – numpy array dimensions (time, height, 2) containing mean noise level for each spectra in linear units [mm6/m3]
**thresh (float) – numpy array dimensions (time, height, 2) containing noise threshold for each spectra in linear units [mm6/m3]
**text (Bool) – should time/height info be added as text into plot?
**title (str or bool)
**smooth (bool) – if True, regular pyplot plot function is used (default is step)
**alpha (float) – triggers transparency of the line plot (not the bar plot), 0 <= alpha <= 1
- Returns:
tuple with
fig (pyplot figure): contains the figure of the plot (for multiple spectra, the last fig is returned)
ax (pyplot axis): contains the axis of the plot (for multiple spectra, the last ax is returned)
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_spectrogram(data, **kwargs)[source]
Plot a time or height spectrogram
The user is able to provide sliced containers, e.g.
range spectrogram:
data['dimlabel'] = ['range', 'vel']
time spectrogram:
data['dimlabel'] = ['time, 'vel']
time-range spectrogram:
data['dimlabel'] = ['time, 'range', 'vel']
In the latter case, a height or time (value or index) must be provided at which the time / height spectrogram should be drawn
- Parameters:
data – data container
**index (dict) – either {‘time’: time index} or {‘range’: range index}
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**figsize (list) – size of png, default is [10, 5.7]
**v_lims (list) – limits of Doppler velocity to be plotted
- Returns:
tuple with
fig (pyplot figure): contains the figure of the plot
ax (pyplot axis): contains the axis of the plot
- pyLARDA.Transformations.concat_images(imga, imgb)[source]
Combines two color image ndarrays side-by-side.
- pyLARDA.Transformations.concat_n_images(image_path_list)[source]
Combines N color images from a list of image path.
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_ppi(data, azimuth, **kwargs)[source]
plot a mira plan-position-indicator scan
- Parameters:
data (dict) – data_container holding the variable of the scan (Z, v, ..)
azimuth (dict) – data_container with the azimuth data
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**elv (float) – elevation other than 75 deg
**figsize (list) – size of png, default is [10, 5.7]
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_rhi(data, elv, **kwargs)[source]
plot a mira range-height-indicator scan
- Parameters:
data (dict) – data_container holding the variable of the scan (Z, LDR, ..)
elv (dict) – data_container with the elevation data
**z_converter (string) – convert var before plotting use eg ‘lin2z’
**var_converter (string) – alternate name for the z_converter
**figsize (list) – size of png, default is [10, 5.7]
**title (str or bool)
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.remsens_limrad_quicklooks(container_dict, **kwargs)[source]
plot the daily overview for the standard radar moments
Content of container_dict: Ze, VEL, sw, ldr, LWP, rr optional: SurfTemp, SurfWS
- Parameters:
container_dict (dict) – data container
**plot_range (list) – plot base and top in m
**timespan (str) – 24h for daily plot
**mask_jumps (bool) – mask gaps due to scans
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.remsens_limrad_polarimetry_quicklooks(container_dict, **kwargs)[source]
plot the daily overview for the polarimetric variables
Content of container_dict: Ze, ldr, ZDR, RHV, LWP, rr optional: SurfTemp, SurfWS
- Parameters:
container_dict (dict) – data container
**plot_range (list) – plot base and top in m
**timespan (str) – 24h for daily plot
**mask_jumps (bool) – mask gaps due to scans
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.container2DataArray(container)[source]
convert the data_container to a xarray Dataset
dimension (namedts
) is converted to datatime.datetime and to datetime64- Parameters:
data (dict) – data_container
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.Transformations.roll_mean_2D(matrix, windowsize, dim)[source]
Calculate a rolling mean over a given axis of a 2D (time x range) array :param matrix: 2D (time x range) matrix :type matrix: ndarray :param windowsize: size of the moving window :type windowsize: int :param dim: over which dimension to apply the mean, ‘time’ or ‘range’ :type dim: str
Returns: 2D matrix of averaged values
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_timeheight2(data: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> (<function figure at 0x7ff2fe36c220>, <function axis at 0x7ff2fe36ed40>)[source]
Plot a timeheight larda container or xarray Dataset
- Parameters:
data – data container
**figure (optional) – already open matplotlib figure
**axis (optional) – already open matplotlib axis
**colormp (optional) – string key from matplotlib colormaps
**mask (optional) – additional variable mask (invalid/missing data)
**rg_converter (optional) – if True converting from m to km for 2D plots
**time_interval (optional) – restricts the xaxis for time series and 2D data
**range_interval (optional) – restricts the yaxis for 2D data
**var_lims (optional) – new data limits, default: var_lims of data
**fontsize (optional) – figure font size
**labelsize (optional) – colorbar label size
**fontweight (optional) – axis label font weight
**cbar (optional) – if False, hides the colorbar from the plot
**linewidth (optional) – width of time series data line plot
**alpha (optional) – alpha of time series data line plot
**zlim (optional) – if provided, these colorbar limits will get passed through
**var_converter (optional) – other name for variable converter string
**z_converter (optional) – variable converter string
**contour (optional) – dictionary with keys ‘data’ and ‘levels’ (optional), where data is an xarray or larda dict
**contour_col (optional) – string defining the color of the contour, default is ‘black’
**label (optional) – label name if string or autogenerated label if True, else no label
**clim (optional) – colorbar limits
**title (optional) – title string
**title_loc (optional) – location string for title (‘center’, ‘left’, ‘right’)
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_binaryflag(data: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> (<function figure at 0x7ff2fe36c220>, <function axis at 0x7ff2fe36ed40>)[source]
Plot a timeheight larda container or xarray Dataset
- Parameters:
data – data container
**figure (optional) – already open matplotlib figure
**axis (optional) – already open matplotlib axis
**mask (optional) – additional variable mask (invalid/missing data)
**time_interval (optional) – restricts the xaxis for time series and 2D data
**var_lims (optional) – new data limits, default: var_lims of data
**fontsize (optional) – figure font size
**labelsize (optional) – colorbar label size
**fontweight (optional) – axis label font weight
**cbar (optional) – if False, hides the colorbar from the plot
**linewidth (optional) – width of time series data line plot
**alpha (optional) – alpha of time series data line plot
**var_converter (optional) – other name for variable converter string
**z_converter (optional) – variable converter string
**label (optional) – label name if string or autogenerated label if True, else no label
**clim (optional) – colorbar limits
**title (optional) – title string
**title_loc (optional) – location string for title (‘center’, ‘left’, ‘right’)
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_timeseries2(data: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> (<function figure at 0x7ff2fe36c220>, <function axis at 0x7ff2fe36ed40>)[source]
Plot a timeseries data container or xarray dataset.
- Parameters:
data – data container
**figure (optional) – already open matplotlib figure
**axis (optional) – already open matplotlib axis
**colormp (optional) – string key from matplotlib colormaps
**mask (optional) – additional variable mask (invalid/missing data)
**time_interval (optional) – restricts the xaxis for time series and 2D data
**var_lims (optional) – new data limits, default: var_lims of data
**figsize (optional) – size of the figure in inches
**fontsize (optional) – figure font size
**labelsize (optional) – colorbar label size
**fontweight (optional) – axis label font weight
**cbar (optional) – if False, hides the colorbar from the plot
**linewidth (optional) – width of time series data line plot
**alpha (optional) – alpha of time series data line plot
**zlim (optional) – if provided, these colorbar limits will get passed through
**var_converter (optional) – other name for variable converter string
**z_converter (optional) – variable converter string
**contour (optional) – dictionary with keys ‘data’ and ‘levels’ (optional), where data is an xarray or larda dict
**label (optional) – label name if string or autogenerated label if True, else no label
**clim (optional) – colorbar limits
**title (optional) – title string
**title_loc (optional) – location string for title (‘center’, ‘left’, ‘right’)
**x_lim (optional) – x axis limit
**y_lim (optional) – y axis limit
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_scatter2(data1: dict, data2: dict, identity_line: bool = False, figsize: ~typing.List[float] = None, color_by: dict = None, scale: str = 'lin', Nbins: int = None, **kwargs) -> (<function figure at 0x7ff2fe36c220>, <function axis at 0x7ff2fe36ed40>)[source]
Scatter plot for variable comparison between two devices or variables.
- Parameters:
data1 – container 1st device
data2 – container 2nd device
identity_line (optional) – plot 1:1 line if True
figsize (optional) – size of the figure in inches
color_by (optional) – data container 3rd device
scale (optional) – ‘lin’ or ‘log’ –> if you get a ValueError from matplotlib.colors try setting scale to lin, log does not work for negative values!
Nbins (optional) – number of bins for histogram
**figure (optional) – already open matplotlib figure
**axis (optional) – already open matplotlib axis
**colormp (optional) – string key from matplotlib colormaps
**mask (optional) – additional variable mask (invalid/missing data)
**var_lims (optional) – new data limits, default: var_lims of data
**fontsize (optional) – figure font size
**labelsize (optional) – colorbar label size
**fontweight (optional) – axis label font weight
**cbar (optional) – if False, hides the colorbar from the plot
**linewidth (optional) – width of time series data line plot
**alpha (optional) – alpha of time series data line plot
**zlim (optional) – if provided, these colorbar limits will get passed through
**var_converter (optional) – other name for variable converter string
**z_converter (optional) – variable converter string
**contour (optional) – dictionary with keys ‘data’ and ‘levels’ (optional), where data is an xarray or larda dict
**label (optional) – label name if string or autogenerated label if True, else no label
**clim (optional) – colorbar limits
**title (optional) – title string
**title_loc (optional) – location string for title (‘center’, ‘left’, ‘right’)
**x_lim (optional) – x axis limit
**y_lim (optional) – y axis limit
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations.delete_non_monotonic_elements(container)[source]
Delete non-monotonic timestamp elements from data-dict container
For some instruments (i.e. pollyxt, hatpro) there is sometimes a non-monotonic behaviour within the timestamps. This function creates a mask for all elements, where the diff of element n+1 and element n is smaller or same as Zero by using the functionality of the cumulative maximum. This mask is used to delete those elements in the array of container[‘ts’], container[‘var’] and container[‘mask’] and returns a corrected container. This ensures for example the usage of the xarray resampling function for converted pylarda dictionaries (Transformations.container2DataArray).
- Parameters:
data (dict) – data_container
- Returns:
private functions
- pyLARDA.Transformations._add_identity(axes, *line_args, **line_kwargs)[source]
helper function for the scatter plot
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.Transformations._new_fig(figsize: ~typing.List[float] = None, figure: ~matplotlib.pyplot.figure = None, axis: ~matplotlib.pyplot.axis = None, **kwargs) -> (<function figure at 0x7ff2fe36c220>, <function axis at 0x7ff2fe36ed40>)[source]
Opens or parses a matplotlib figure and axis.
- Parameters:
figsize (optional) – list of figure height and width
figure (optional) – already open matplotlib figure
axis (optional) – already open matplotlib axis
- Returns:
tuple with
fig: matplotlib figure
axis: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations._copy_data(data: dict, colormp: str = None, mask: array = None, rg_converter: bool = False, time_interval: List[datetime] = None, range_interval: List[float] = None, var_lims: List[float] = None, fontsize: int = 12, labelsize: int = 12, figsize: List[float] = None, fontweight: str = 'normal', cbar: bool = True, clim: List[float] = None, linewidth: int = 1.5, alpha: float = 0.95, **kwargs) dict [source]
Copy data from an xarray or larda dict to the plot data structure ‘pdata’.
- Parameters:
data – xarray or larda dict
colormp (optional) – string key from matplotlib colormaps
mask (optional) – additional variable mask (invalid/missing data)
rg_converter (optional) – if True converting from m to km for 2D plots
time_interval (optional) – restricts the xaxis for time series and 2D data
range_interval (optional) – restricts the yaxis for 2D data
var_lims (optional) – new data limits, default: var_lims of data
fontsize (optional) – figure font size
labelsize (optional) – colorbar label size
figsize (optional) – figure size list of height and width
fontweight (optional) – axis label font weight
cbar (optional) – if False, hides the colorbar from the plot
cmap (optional) – string according to matplotlib colormap lists
linewidth (optional) – width of time series data line plot
alpha (optional) – alpha of time series data line plot
- Returns:
pdata (plot data structure)
- pyLARDA.Transformations._masked_jumps(pdata: dict, tdel_jumps: float = 60, tres: float = 5.0, **kwargs) -> (<class 'list'>, <function array at 0x7ff2ff80fce0>)[source]
Fills data gaps with fill_values and masks them.
- Parameters:
pdata – plot data structure
tdel_jumps (optional) – time jump threshold in seconds
tres (optional) – target time resolution in seconds
- Returns:
tuple with data corrected for gaps
dt (list): datetimes
var ( var
- pyLARDA.Transformations._get_cbar_limits(pdata: dict, is_class: bool = False, cbar_fraciton: float = 0.13, zlim: ~typing.List[float] = None, **kwargs) -> (<class 'float'>, <class 'float'>)[source]
Returns the minimum and maximum value for the colorbar.
- Parameters:
is_class (optional) – if True increas colorbar portion for larger labels
cbar_fraciton (optional) – colorbar fraction
zlim (optional) – if provided, these colorbar limits will get passed through
- Returns:
zlim - color bar axis limits
- pyLARDA.Transformations._apply_2Dvar_converter(pdata: dict, var_converter: str = None, z_converter: str = None, **kwargs) -> (<function array at 0x7ff2ff80fce0>, <class 'matplotlib.colors.LogNorm'>)[source]
Converts a 2D numpy array for a given valid string.
- Parameters:
var_converter (optional) – other name for variable converter string
z_converter (optional) – variable converter string
- Returns:
tuple with
var: converted variable
norm: matplotlib log norm
- pyLARDA.Transformations._apply_1Dvar_converter(var: array, var_converter: str = None, z_converter: str = None, **kwargs) array [source]
Converts a 1D numpy array for a given valid string.
- Parameters:
var – 1D numpy array data
var_converter (optional) – other name for variable converter string
z_converter (optional) – variable converter string
- Returns:
va - converted array
- pyLARDA.Transformations._apply_log_scaling(axis: axis, var_converter: str = None, z_converter: str = None, **kwargs) array [source]
Converts the yaxis scale to log iff z_converter = ‘log’
- Parameters:
axis – matplotlib axis
var_converter (optional) – other name for variable converter string
z_converter (optional) – variable converter string
- Returns:
va - converted array
- pyLARDA.Transformations._get_colormap(pdata: dict, name: str = 'colormap_name') str [source]
Parse colormap string or check for additional color maps.
- Parameters:
pdata – plot data
name – key of the colormap string
- Returns:
cmap - colormap string
- pyLARDA.Transformations._add_contour(axis: axis, contour: dict = None, rg_converter: bool = False, fontsize: int = 12, label=True, **kwargs) axis [source]
Plots contour lines with label ontop of an existing matplotlib axis.
- Parameters:
axis – plot axis
contour (optional) – dictionary with keys ‘data’ and ‘levels’ (optional), where data is an xarray or larda dict
rg_converter (optional) – if True convert range from meter to kilometer
fontsize (optional) – size of contour labels
- Returns:
tuple with
ax: axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations._format_timexaxis(axis: axis, pdata: dict, **kwargs) axis [source]
Zoom to a specific time interval and format xaxis.
- Parameters:
axis – plot axis
pdata – plot structure data
- Returns:
axis - plot axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations._set_xticks_and_xlabels(axis: axis, time_extend: timedelta) axis [source]
This function sets the ticks and labels of the x-axis (only when the x-axis is time in UTC).
- Options:
time_extend > 7 days: major ticks every 2 day, minor ticks every 12 hours
7 days > time_extend > 2 days: major ticks every day, minor ticks every 6 hours
2 days > time_extend > 1 days: major ticks every 12 hours, minor ticks every 3 hours
1 days > time_extend > 6 hours: major ticks every 3 hours, minor ticks every 30 minutes
6 hours > time_extend > 1 hour: major ticks every hour, minor ticks every 15 minutes
else: major ticks every 15 minutes, minor ticks every 5 minutes
- Parameters:
axis – axis in which the x-ticks and labels have to be set
time_extend – time difference of t_end - t_start (format datetime.timedelta)
- Returns:
axis - axis with new ticks and labels
- pyLARDA.Transformations._format_rangeyaxis(axis: axis, pdata: dict, rg_converter: bool = False, **kwargs) axis [source]
Zoom to a specific range interval and format yaxis.
- Parameters:
axis – plot axis
pdata – plot structure data
rg_converter – if True convert range from meter to kilometer
- Returns:
axis - plot axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations._format_xaxis(axis: axis, pdata: dict, fontsize: int = 12, fontweight: str = 'normal', label: str = None, **kwargs) axis [source]
More general x axis formatting.
- Parameters:
axis – plot axis
pdata – plot data structure
fontsize (optional) – size of labels
fontweight (optional) – weight of labels
label – label for xaxis
- Returns:
axis - plot axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations._format_yaxis(axis: axis, pdata: dict, fontsize: int = 12, fontweight: str = 'normal', label: str = None, **kwargs) axis [source]
More general y axis formatting.
- Parameters:
axis – plot axis
pdata – plot data structure
fontsize (optional) – size of labels
fontweight (optional) – weight of labels
label – label for xaxis
- Returns:
axis - plot axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations._plot_line(axis: ~matplotlib.pyplot.axis, pdata: dict, label_str: str, step: bool = False, **kwargs) -> (<function axis at 0x7ff2fe36ed40>, <class 'matplotlib.lines.Line2D'>)[source]
plot a line or step
- Parameters:
axis – plot axis
pdata – plot data structure
label_str – label of line
step (bool or str) – ‘pre’, ‘mid’, ‘post’, default False
- Returns:
tuple with
ax: plot axis
line: Line2D
- pyLARDA.Transformations._format_cbaraxis(figure: ~matplotlib.pyplot.figure, axis: ~matplotlib.pyplot.axis, pcmesh: ~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh, pdata: dict, color_by: dict = None, is_scatter: bool = False, is_class: bool = False, remove: bool = False, clim: ~typing.List[float] = None, **kwargs) -> (<function axis at 0x7ff2fe36ed40>, <function colorbar at 0x7ff2fe36dc60>)[source]
Formates the colorbar.
- Parameters:
figure – plot figure
axis – plot axis
pcmesh – colormesh plot
pdata – plot data structure
color_by (optional) – larda container
is_scatter (optional) – if True adapt colorbar for scatter plot
is_class (optional) – if True adapt colorbar with discrete labels
remove (optional) – if True remove colorbar
clim (optional) – colorbar limits
- Returns:
tuple with
ax: plot axis
cbar: colorbar
- pyLARDA.Transformations._axis_label_from_meta(pdata: dict, **kwargs) str [source]
Generates an automated axis label from data using system name, variable name and variable unit.
- Parameters:
pdata – plot data structure
- Returns:
str - axis label
- pyLARDA.Transformations._format_axis(figure: ~matplotlib.pyplot.figure, axis: ~matplotlib.pyplot.axis, pcmesh: ~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh, pdata: dict, pdatai: dict = None, color_by: dict = None, **kwargs) -> (<function axis at 0x7ff2fe36ed40>, <function colorbar at 0x7ff2fe36dc60>)[source]
Format all axis.
- Parameters:
figure – plot figure
axis – plot axis
pcmesh – colormesh plot
pdata – plot data structure
pdatai (optional) – additional plot data structure, formatting scatter plots
- Returns:
tuple with
ax: axis
cbar: colorbar
var_lims: y axis limits
- pyLARDA.Transformations._set_title(axis: axis, pdata: dict, title: str = None, **kwargs) axis [source]
Set/remove or auto generate a title.
- Parameters:
axis – plot axis
pdata – plot data structure
title (optional) – title string
**title_loc (optional) – where to position title (‘center’, ‘left’, ‘right’)
- Returns:
axis - plot axis
- pyLARDA.Transformations._get_line_label(pdata: dict, label: str = '', **kwargs) str [source]
Parse or auto generate a line label.
- Parameters:
pdata – plot data structure
label (optional) – label name if string or autogenerated label if True, else no label
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.Transformations._Freedman_Diaconis(var: array, name: str = 'unknown variable', Nbins: int = None, **kwargs)[source]
Parse or calculate the optimum number of bins for a scatter plot.
- Parameters:
var – array
name – variable name
Nbins (optional) – given number of bins
- Returns:
Nbins - number of bins
Freedman-Diaconis rule: h=2×IQR×n−1/3. number of bins is (max−min)/h, where n is the number of observations
- pyLARDA.Transformations._create_histogram(var1: array, var2: array, Nbins: int = 100, x_lim: List[float] = None, y_lim: List[float] = None, **kwargs) dict [source]
Calculates a histogram from two given arrays with same size
- Parameters:
var1 – array xdata
var2 – array ydata
Nbins (optional) – number of bin in histogram
x_lim (optional) – x axis limit
y_lim (optional) – y axis limit
- Returns:
hist - dictionary with histogram, x and y edges
- pyLARDA.Transformations._color_by_3rd_variable(var1: array, var2: array, var3: array, H: dict, Nbins: int = 100, **kwargs) array [source]
Recalculates a given histogram for a given 3rd variable.
- Parameters:
var1 – array xdata
var2 – array ydata
var3 – array zdata
H – given histogram dict keys = H, xedges, yedges
Nbins – number of bin in histogram
- Returns:
hist - new histogram array
- pyLARDA.Transformations._get_pcmesh_kwargs(H: array, clim: int = None, scale: str = None, cmap: str = 'viridis', **kwargs) dict [source]
Returns a dict with vmin, vmax and norm for pcolormesh plot.
- Parameters:
H – histogram
clim – given limits
scale – scaling strategy
cmap – colormap
- Returns:
dict - pcmesh
- pyLARDA.Transformations._add_regression_info(axis: axis, pdata1: dict, pdata2: dict, info: bool = False, **kwargs) axis [source]
Add textbox with y axis intersetion, slope and r^2.
- Parameters:
axis – plot axis
pdata1 – plot data structure
pdata2 – plot data structure
- Returns:
axis - plot axis