API documentation
pyLARDA main module
- class pyLARDA.LARDA(data_source='local', uri=None)[source]
init a new larda instance
- Parameters:
data_source (str, optional) – either
uri – link to backend
- Returns:
larda object
- connect_local(camp_name, build_lists=True, filt=None)[source]
built the connector list for the specified campaign (only valid systems are considered) the connectors are instances of the Connector.Connector Class
NEW: one connector per system then the params are parts of this system
- Parameters:
camp_name (str) – name of campaign as defined in
build_lists (Bool, optional) – Flag to build the filelists or not (with many files this may take some time)
filt (list, optional) – Filter for name
['system', 'MIRA']
or insturment identifiert['instr_name', 'hatpro_g2_lacros']
- connect_remote(camp_name, **kwargs)[source]
connect to a remote data source
- Parameters:
camp_name – name of the campaign in the remote source
- connect_templates(c_info={})[source]
set up the connector for the filepath option
- Parameters:
c_info (optional) – campaign meta info
- read(system, parameter, time_interval, *further_slices, **kwargs)[source]
- Parameters:
system (str) – identifier for the system
parameter (str) – choosen param
time_interval –
[dt, dt]
time interval, or [dt] one time*further_slices – range, vel,..
[0, max]
or [3000]
- Returns:
the dictionary with data
- pyLARDA.Connector.convert_regex_date_to_dt(re_date)[source]
convert a re_date dict to datetime
When using 2 digit years (i.e. RPG) a 20 will be added in front
- Parameters:
re_date (dict) – result of the regex search with keys
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.Connector.convert_to_datestring(datepattern, f)[source]
convert the date in a (file-)string to dt
- Parameters:
datepatttern – a python regex definition with named groups
f – the string
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.Connector.setup_valid_date_filter(valid_dates) Callable [source]
validator function for chunks of valid dates
- Parameters:
valid_dates – list of [begin, end] in ‘YYYYMMDD’
- Returns:
a single argument (‘YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS’) validator function
- pyLARDA.Connector.path_walk(top, prefilter='.*', topdown=False, followlinks=False)[source]
pendant for os.walk
- pyLARDA.Connector.guess_end(dates)[source]
estimate the end of a file
- Returns:
list of pairs [begin, end]
- class pyLARDA.Connector.Connector_remote(camp_name, system, plain_dict, uri)[source]
connect the data (from the a remote source) to larda
- Parameters:
camp_name (str) – campaign name
system (str) – system identifier
plain_dict (dict) – connector meta info
uri (str) – address of the remote source
- collect(param, time_interval, *further_intervals, **kwargs) dict [source]
collect the data from a parameter for the given intervals
- Parameters:
param (str)
time_interval – list of begin and end datetime
*further_intervals – range, velocity, …
**interp_rg_join – interpolate range during join
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.Connector.walk_str(pathinfo)[source]
match the names and subdirs with regex using string
only works for unix systems, but is reasonably fast
- Parameters:
pathinfo – dict
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.Connector.walk_pathlib(pathinfo)[source]
match the names and subdirs with regex using pathlib
should give cross-platform compatability, but comes with a performance penalty (>3x)
- Parameters:
pathinfo – dict
- Returns:
- class pyLARDA.Connector.Connector(system, system_info, valid_dates, description_dir=None)[source]
connect the data (from the ncfiles/local sources) to larda
- Parameters:
system (str) – system identifier
system_info (dict) – dict info loaded from toml
valid_dates (list of lists) – list of begin and end datetime
description_dir (optional) – dir with the description rst
- collect(param, time_interval, *further_intervals, **kwargs) dict [source]
collect the data from a parameter for the given intervals
- Parameters:
param (str)
time_interval – list of begin and end datetime
*further_intervals – range, velocity, …
**interp_rg_join – interpolate range during join
- Returns:
- collect_path(param, time_interval, *further_intervals, **kwargs) dict [source]
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.helpers.get_converter_array(string, **kwargs)[source]
colletion of converters that works on arrays combines time, range and varconverters (i see no conceptual separation here)
the maskconverter becomes relevant, if the order is no time, range, whatever (as in mira spec)
chaining example:
`var_conversion = 'z2lin,extrfromaxis2(0)'`
- Returns:
(varconverter, maskconverter) which both are functions
- pyLARDA.helpers.flatten(xs)[source]
flatten inhomogeneous deep lists e.g.
- pyLARDA.helpers.argnearest(array, value)[source]
find the index of the nearest value in a sorted array for example time or range axis
- Parameters:
array (np.array) – sorted array with values, list will be converted to 1D array
value – value to find
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.helpers.nearest(array, pivot)[source]
find the nearest value to a given one
- Parameters:
array (np.array) – sorted array with values
pivot – value to find
- Returns:
value with smallest distance
- pyLARDA.helpers.get_extrfromaxis0(string)[source]
get function that extracts given index from axis2
- pyLARDA.helpers.get_extrfromaxis1(string)[source]
get function that extracts given index from axis2
- pyLARDA.helpers.get_extrfromaxis2(string)[source]
get function that extracts given index from axis2
- pyLARDA.helpers.fill_with(array, mask, fill)[source]
fill an array where mask is true with fill value
- pyLARDA.helpers.guess_str_to_dict(string)[source]
try to convert a text string into a dict intended to be used in the var_def
- Returns:
dict with flag as key and description string
- pyLARDA.helpers.reshape_spectra(data)[source]
This function reshapes time, range and var variables of a data container and returns numpy arrays.
- Parameters:
data (dict) – data container
- Returns:
list with
ts (numpy.array): time stamp numpy array, dim = (n_time,)
rg (numpy.array): range stamp numpy array, dim = (n_range,)
var (numpy.array): values of the spectra numpy array, dim = (n_time, n_range, n_vel)
- pyLARDA.helpers.isKthBitSet(n, k)[source]
Function to check if a certain bit of a number is set (required to analyse quality flags)
- pyLARDA.helpers.pprint(data, verbose=False)[source]
print a pretty representation of the data container
- pyLARDA.helpers.extract_case_from_excel_sheet(data_loc, sheet_nr=0, **kwargs)[source]
This function extracts information from an excel sheet. It can be used for different scenarios. The first row of the excel sheet contains the headline, defined as follows:
The following rows contain the cases of interest. Make sure that the ALL the data in the excel sheet is formatted as string! The data has to be provided in the following syntax:
date (string): format YYYYMMDD
start (string): format HHMMSS
datestart (string): format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
dateend (string): format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
end (string): format HHMMSS
h0 (string): minimum height
hend (string): maximum height
MDF (string): name of the MDF used for this case
noise_fac (string): noise factor
notes (string): additional notes for the case (stored but not in use by the program)
- Parameters:
data_loc (string) – path to the excel file (make sure the data_loc contains the suffix .xlsx)
sheet_nr (integer) – number of the desired excel sheet
- Returns:
case_list contains the information for all cases
begin_dt (datetime object): start of the time interval
end_dt (datetime object): end of the time interval
plot_range (list): height interval
MDF_name (string): name of MDF used for this case
noisefac (string): number of standard deviations above mean noise level
notes (string): additional notes for the user
- pyLARDA.helpers.interp_only_3rd_dim(arr, old, new)[source]
function to interpolate only the velocity (3rd) axis
- pyLARDA.helpers.put_in_container(data, data_container, **kwargs)[source]
This routine will generate a new larda container, replacing var in the data_container given with data
- Kwargs:
all keys used in larda containers, that is paraminfo (dict): information from params_[campaign].toml for the specific variable rg_unit: range unit mask: ndarray of same size as var, indicating masked values ts: time stamp in unix time var_lims: variable limits colormap: colormap to be used for plotting
- Returns:
larda data container
- Return type:
container (dict)
- pyLARDA.helpers.change_dir(folder_path, **kwargs)[source]
This routine changes to a folder or creates it (including subfolders) if it does not exist already.
- Parameters:
folder_path (string) – path of folder to switch into
- pyLARDA.helpers.make_dir(folder_path)[source]
This routine changes to a folder or creates it (including subfolders) if it does not exist already.
- Parameters:
folder_path (string) – path of folder to switch into
- pyLARDA.helpers.print_traceback(txt)[source]
Print the traceback to an error to screen. :param - txt: error msg :type - txt: string
- pyLARDA.helpers.smooth(y, box_pts, padding='constant')[source]
Smooth a one dimensional array using a rectangular window of box_pts points
- Parameters:
y (np.array) – array to be smoothed
box_pts – number of points of the rectangular smoothing window
- Returns:
smoothed array
- Return type:
y_smooth (np.arrax)
Try to use netcdf4-python
- pyLARDA.NcReader.get_time_slicer(ts: array, f: str, time_interval: List[datetime]) list [source]
get time slicer from the time_interval Following options are available
time_interval with [ts_begin, ts_end]
only one timestamp is selected and the found right one would be beyond the ts range -> argnearest instead searchsorted
only one is timestamp
- Parameters:
ts – unix timestamps as array
f – filename
time_interval – time interval to slice for
- Returns:
- pyLARDA.NcReader.get_var_attr_from_nc(name, paraminfo, variable)[source]
get the attribute from the variable
- Parameters:
- pyLARDA.NcReader.get_meta_from_nc(ncD, meta_spec, varname)[source]
get some meta data into the data_container
specified within the paraminfo meta.name tags - gattr.name: global attribute with name - vattr.name: variable attribute with name - var.name: additional varable (ideally single value)
- Parameters:
ncD – netCDF file object
meta_spec – dict with all meta. definition
varname – name of the variable to load (for vattr)
- Returns:
dict with meta data
- pyLARDA.NcReader.reader_with_groups(paraminfo)[source]
build a function for reading in time height data
- pyLARDA.NcReader.timeheightreader_rpgfmcw(paraminfo)[source]
build a function for reading in time height data special function for a special instrument ;)
the issues are:
range variable in different file
stacking of single variables
for now works only with 3 chirps and range variable only in level0
- pyLARDA.NcReader.specreader_rpgfmcw(paraminfo)[source]
build a function for reading in spectral data special function for a special instrument ;)
the issues are:
range variable in different file
stacking of single variables
for now works only with 3 chirps and range variable only in level0
- pyLARDA.NcReader.scanreader_mira(paraminfo)[source]
reader for the scan files
load full file regardless of selected time
covers spec_timeheight and spec_time
- pyLARDA.NcReader.interp_only_3rd_dim(arr, old, new, **kwargs)[source]
function to interpolate only the velocity (3rd) axis
- pyLARDA.NcReader.specreader_kazr(paraminfo)[source]
build a function for reading in spectral data another special function for another special instrument ;)
the issues are:
variables time and range are merged and can be accessed by a locator mask
noise is not saved and has to be computed from the spectra
spectra are not in reflectivity but in 10*log10(mW)
need to be converted using specZ = spec * h.z2lin(float(f.cal_constant[:-3])) * self.range[ir]**2
- pyLARDA.NcReader.reader_pollyraw(paraminfo)[source]
build a function for reading in the polly raw data into larda
- pyLARDA.ParameterInfo.deep_update(source, overrides)[source]
Update a nested dictionary. Only additions, no removal modify
in place.
- pyLARDA.ParameterInfo.select_matching_template(syskey, templates, fname)[source]
templates either match by exact name or regex in also_match
in a template ``` [CLOUDNET]
also_match = “CLOUDNET_.+” [CLOUDNET.generic] …
` also matches ``CLOUDNET_LIMRAD
- pyLARDA.ParameterInfo.check_filter(filter, config)[source]
filter for a specific key in the config file, i.e. instr_name, instr_id, …
- Parameters:
filter – dict with name (instr_name) and matching value (MIRA_NMRA)
config – dict loaded from the config file
- Returns:
True or False
TODO: maybe at one point we will need path level filtering
- pyLARDA.ParameterInfo.do_parameter_generic_inheritance(config, cinfo_hand_down={})[source]
inhert the parameter.generic information to the single variables
- Parameters:
config (dict) – config dict as read from toml
cinfo_hand_down (dict, optional) – campaign information to inherit
- Returns: