Source code for pyLARDA.NcReader



Try to use netcdf4-python


import numpy as np
import netCDF4
import pyLARDA.helpers as h
from typing import List
import logging
import datetime
import scipy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_time_slicer( ts: np.array, f: str, time_interval: List[datetime.datetime]) -> list: """get time slicer from the time_interval Following options are available 1. time_interval with [ts_begin, ts_end] 2. only one timestamp is selected and the found right one would be beyond the ts range -> argnearest instead searchsorted 3. only one is timestamp Args: ts: unix timestamps as array f: filename time_interval: time interval to slice for Returns: slicer """ if len(time_interval) == 0: return [slice(None)] # select first timestamp right of begin (not left if nearer as above) #print(f'start time {h.ts_to_dt(ts[0])}') it_b = 0 if ts.shape[0] == 1 else np.searchsorted(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]), side='right') if len(time_interval) == 2: it_e = h.argnearest(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[1])) if it_b == ts.shape[0]: it_b = it_b - 1 valid_step = 3 * np.median(np.diff(ts)) if ts[it_e] < h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]) - valid_step or ts[it_b] < h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]): # second condition is to ensure that no timestamp before # the selected interval is choosen # (problem with limrad after change of sampling frequency) str = 'found last profile of file {}\n at ts[it_e] {} too far ({}s) from {}\n'.format( f, h.ts_to_dt(ts[it_e]), valid_step, time_interval[0]) \ + 'or begin too early {} < {}\n returning None'.format(h.ts_to_dt(ts[it_b]), time_interval[0]) logger.warning(str) return None it_e = it_e + 1 if not it_e == ts.shape[0] - 1 else None slicer = [slice(it_b, it_e)] elif it_b == ts.shape[0]: # only one timestamp is selected # and the found right one would be beyond the ts range it_b = h.argnearest(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0])) slicer = [slice(it_b, it_b + 1)] else: slicer = [slice(it_b, it_b + 1)] return slicer
[docs]def get_var_attr_from_nc(name, paraminfo, variable): """get the attribute from the variable Args: name: paraminfo: variable: """ direct_def = name.replace("identifier_", "") # if both are given (eg through inheritance, choose the # direct definition) logger.debug("attr name {}".format(name)) attr = '' if name in paraminfo and direct_def not in paraminfo: try: attr = variable.getncattr(paraminfo[name]) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Error extracting paraminfo of variable ' + str(name)) logger.warning('Check spelling in .toml file or remove from .toml') logger.warning('Exception :: ', e) else: attr = paraminfo[name.replace("identifier_", "")] return attr
[docs]def get_meta_from_nc(ncD, meta_spec, varname): """get some meta data into the data_container specified within the paraminfo tags - global attribute with name - variable attribute with name - additional varable (ideally single value) Args: ncD: netCDF file object meta_spec: dict with all meta. definition varname: name of the variable to load (for vattr) Returns: dict with meta data """ meta = {} for k, v in meta_spec.items(): where, name = v.split('.') if where == 'gattr': meta[k] = [ncD.getncattr(name)] elif where == 'vattr': meta[k] = [ncD.variables[varname].getncattr(name)] elif where == 'var': meta[k] = [ncD.variables[name][:].data.tolist()] else: raise ValueError(f'meta string {v} for {k} not specified') return meta
[docs]def reader(paraminfo): """build a function for reading in time height data""" def retfunc(f, time_interval, *further_intervals): """function that converts the netCDF to the larda-data-format """ logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ncD: if 'auto_mask_scale' in paraminfo and paraminfo['auto_mask_scale'] == False: ncD.set_auto_mask(False) varconv_args = {} if not paraminfo['time_variable'] == 'dummy': times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) else: times = np.array([]) if 'time_millisec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_millisec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_millisec_variable']][:] / 1.0e3 times += subsec if 'time_microsec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_microsec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_microsec_variable']][:] / 1.0e6 times += subsec if 'base_time_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['base_time_variable'] in ncD.variables: basetime = ncD.variables[paraminfo['base_time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) times += basetime timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD) if isinstance(times, ts = timeconverter( else: ts = timeconverter(times) # get the time slicer from time_interval slicer = get_time_slicer(ts, f, time_interval) if slicer is None and paraminfo['ncreader'] != 'pollynet_profile': logger.critical(f'No time slice found!\nfile :: {f}\n') return None if paraminfo['ncreader'] == "pollynet_profile": slicer = [slice(None)] if paraminfo['ncreader'] in ['timeheight', 'spec', 'mira_noise', 'pollynet_profile']: range_tg = True try: range_interval = further_intervals[0] except IndexError as e: logger.error('No range interval was given.') ranges = ncD.variables[paraminfo['range_variable']] logger.debug('loader range conversion {}'.format(paraminfo['range_conversion'])) rangeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['range_conversion'], altitude=paraminfo['altitude']) ir_b = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[0]) if len(range_interval) == 2: if not range_interval[1] == 'max': ir_e = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[1]) ir_e = ir_e + 1 if not ir_e == ranges.shape[0] - 1 else None else: ir_e = None slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_e)) else: slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_b + 1)) if paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'spec': if 'compute_velbins' in paraminfo: if paraminfo['compute_velbins'] == "mrrpro": wl = 1.238*10**(-2) # wavelength (fixed) - 24 GHz varconv_args.update({"wl": wl}) vel_tg = True slicer.append(slice(None)) varconverter, maskconverter = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['var_conversion'], **varconv_args) if 'vel_conversion' in paraminfo: velconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array(paraminfo['vel_conversion']) var = ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']] # print('var dict ',ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']].__dict__) # print("time indices ", it_b, it_e) data = {} if paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'timeheight': data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range'] elif paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'time': data['dimlabel'] = ['time'] elif paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'spec': data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range', 'vel'] elif paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'mira_noise': data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range'] elif paraminfo['ncreader'] == "pollynet_profile": data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range'] data["filename"] = f data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)[0]] data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap'] if 'meta' in paraminfo: data['meta'] = get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name']) # also experimental: vis_varconverter if 'plot_varconverter' in paraminfo and paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] != 'none': data['plot_varconverter'] = paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] else: data['plot_varconverter'] = '' if paraminfo['ncreader'] in ['timeheight', 'spec', 'mira_noise', 'pollynet_profile']: if isinstance(times, data['rg'] = rangeconverter(ranges[tuple(slicer)[1]].data) else: data['rg'] = rangeconverter(ranges[tuple(slicer)[1]]) data['rg_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_rg_unit", paraminfo, ranges) logger.debug('shapes {} {} {}'.format(ts.shape, ranges.shape, var.shape)) if paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'spec': if 'vel_ext_variable' in paraminfo: # this special field is needed to load limrad spectra vel_ext = ncD.variables[paraminfo['vel_ext_variable'][0]][int(paraminfo['vel_ext_variable'][1])] vel_res = 2 * vel_ext / float(var[:].shape[2]) data['vel'] = np.linspace(-vel_ext + (0.5 * vel_res), +vel_ext - (0.5 * vel_res), var[:].shape[2]) elif 'compute_velbins' in paraminfo: if paraminfo['compute_velbins'] == 'mrrpro': # this is used to read in MRR-PRO spectra fs = 500000 # sampling rate of MRR-Pro (fixed) vel_ext = fs/4/ncD.dimensions['range'].size*wl vel_res = vel_ext / float(var[:].shape[2]) data['vel'] = np.linspace(0 - (0.5 * vel_res), -vel_ext + (0.5 * vel_res), var[:].shape[2]) else: data['vel'] = ncD.variables[paraminfo['vel_variable']][:] if 'vel_conversion' in paraminfo: data['vel'] = velconverter(data['vel']) logger.debug('shapes {} {}'.format(ts.shape, var.shape)) data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", paraminfo, var) data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \ get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_lims", paraminfo, var)] # by default assume dimensions of (time, range, ...) # or define a custom order in the param toml file if 'dimorder' in paraminfo: slicer = [slicer[i] for i in paraminfo['dimorder']] if paraminfo['ncreader'] == "pollynet_profile": del slicer[0] # read in the variable definition dictionary # if "identifier_var_def" in paraminfo.keys() and not "var_def" in paraminfo.keys(): data['var_definition'] = h.guess_str_to_dict( var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_var_def'])) elif "var_def" in paraminfo.keys(): data['var_definition'] = paraminfo['var_def'] if paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'mira_noise': r_c = ncD.variables[paraminfo['radar_const']][:] snr_c = ncD.variables[paraminfo['SNR_corr']][:] npw = ncD.variables[paraminfo['noise_pow']][:] calibrated_noise = r_c[slicer[0], np.newaxis] * var[tuple(slicer)].data * snr_c[tuple(slicer)].data / \ npw[slicer[0], np.newaxis] * (data['rg'][np.newaxis, :] / 5000.) ** 2 data['var'] = calibrated_noise else: data['var'] = varconverter(var[:])[tuple(slicer)] #if paraminfo['compute_velbins'] == "mrrpro": # data['var'] = data['var'] * wl** 4 / (np.pi** 5) / 0.93 * 10**6 if "identifier_fill_value" in paraminfo.keys() and not "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_fill_value']) mask = np.isclose(data['var'].data, fill_value) elif "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = paraminfo['fill_value'] mask = np.isclose(data['var'].data, fill_value) else: mask = ~np.isfinite(data['var'].data) #if isinstance(mask, # mask = mask.mask assert not isinstance(mask,, \ "mask array shall not be, but of plain booltype" data['mask'] = np.logical_or(mask, data['var'].mask) if isinstance(data['var'], data['var'] = data['var'].data assert not isinstance(data['var'],, \ "var array shall not be, but of plain booltype" if paraminfo['ncreader'] == "pollynet_profile": data['var'] = data['var'][np.newaxis, :] data['mask'] = data['mask'][np.newaxis, :] return data return retfunc
[docs]def auxreader(paraminfo): """build a function for reading in time height data""" def retfunc(f, time_interval, *further_intervals): """function that converts the netCDF to the larda-data-format this one is for aux values that don't have a dedicated time domain (nevertheless the time is read in, to estimate the coverage of the file) """ logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ncD: times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) if 'time_millisec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_millisec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_millisec_variable']][:] / 1.0e3 times += subsec if 'time_microsec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_microsec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_microsec_variable']][:] / 1.0e6 times += subsec timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD) ts = timeconverter( # get the time slicer from time_interval slicer = get_time_slicer(ts, f, time_interval) if slicer == None and paraminfo['ncreader'] != 'aux_all_ts': return None if paraminfo['ncreader'] == "aux_all_ts": slicer = [slice(None)] varconverter, maskconverter = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['var_conversion']) var = ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']] # print('var dict ',ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']].__dict__) # print("time indices ", it_b, it_e) data = {} data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'aux'] data["filename"] = f data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo if paraminfo['ncreader'] in ["aux_ts_slice", "aux_all_ts"]: data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)] else: data['ts'] = ts[0:1] slicer = [slice(None)] if 'aux_variable' in paraminfo: data['aux'] = ncD.variables[paraminfo['aux_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap'] if 'meta' in paraminfo: data['meta'] = get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name']) # also experimental: vis_varconverter if 'plot_varconverter' in paraminfo and paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] != 'none': data['plot_varconverter'] = paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] else: data['plot_varconverter'] = '' logger.debug('shapes {} {}'.format(ts.shape, var.shape)) data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", paraminfo, var) data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \ get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_lims", paraminfo, var)] if "identifier_fill_value" in paraminfo.keys() and not "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_fill_value']) mask = (var[tuple(slicer)] == fill_value) elif "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = paraminfo['fill_value'] mask = np.isclose(var[tuple(slicer)], fill_value) else: mask = ~np.isfinite(var[tuple(slicer)]) if isinstance(mask, mask = assert not isinstance(mask,, \ "mask array shall not be, but of plain booltype" data['var'] = varconverter(var[tuple(slicer)]) if isinstance(data['var'], data['var'] = data['var'].data assert not isinstance(data['var'],, \ "var array shall not be, but of plain booltype" data['mask'] = maskconverter(mask) return data return retfunc
[docs]def timeheightreader_rpgfmcw(paraminfo): """build a function for reading in time height data special function for a special instrument ;) the issues are: - range variable in different file - stacking of single variables for now works only with 3 chirps and range variable only in level0 """ def retfunc(f, time_interval, range_interval): """function that converts the netCDF to the larda-data-format """ logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ncD: no_chirps = ncD.dimensions['Chirp'].size ranges_per_chirp = [ ncD.variables['C{}Range'.format(i + 1)] for i in range(no_chirps)] ch1range = ranges_per_chirp[0] ranges = np.hstack([rg[:] for rg in ranges_per_chirp]) times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) if 'time_millisec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_millisec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_millisec_variable']][:] / 1.0e3 times += subsec if 'time_microsec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_microsec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_microsec_variable']][:] / 1.0e6 times += subsec timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD) ts = timeconverter(times) # get the time slicer from time_interval slicer = get_time_slicer(ts, f, time_interval) if slicer == None: return None rangeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['range_conversion']) varconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['var_conversion']) ir_b = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[0]) if len(range_interval) == 2: if not range_interval[1] == 'max': ir_e = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[1]) ir_e = ir_e + 1 if not ir_e == ranges.shape[0] - 1 else None else: ir_e = None slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_e)) else: slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_b + 1)) no_chirps = ncD.dimensions['Chirp'].size var_per_chirp = [ ncD.variables['C{}'.format(i + 1) + paraminfo['variable_name']] for i in range(no_chirps)] ch1var = var_per_chirp[0] # ch1var = ncD.variables['C1'+paraminfo['variable_name']] # ch2var = ncD.variables['C2'+paraminfo['variable_name']] # ch3var = ncD.variables['C3'+paraminfo['variable_name']] # print('var dict ',ch1var.__dict__) # print('shapes ', ts.shape, ch1range.shape, ch1var.shape) # print("time indices ", it_b, it_e) data = {} data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range'] data["filename"] = f data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)[0]] data['rg'] = rangeconverter(ranges[tuple(slicer)[1]]) data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap'] if 'meta' in paraminfo: data['meta'] = get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name']) # also experimental: vis_varconverter if 'plot_varconverter' in paraminfo and paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] != 'none': data['plot_varconverter'] = paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] else: data['plot_varconverter'] = '' data['rg_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_rg_unit", paraminfo, ch1range) data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", paraminfo, ch1var) data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \ get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_lims", paraminfo, ch1var)] var = np.hstack([v[:] for v in var_per_chirp]) # var = np.hstack([ch1var[:], ch2var[:], ch3var[:]]) if "identifier_fill_value" in paraminfo.keys() and not "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_fill_value']) data['mask'] = (var[tuple(slicer)].data == fill_value) elif "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = paraminfo["fill_value"] data['mask'] = np.isclose(var[tuple(slicer)].data, fill_value) else: data['mask'] = ~np.isfinite(var[tuple(slicer)].data) assert not isinstance(data['mask'],, \ "mask array shall not be, but of plain booltype" data['var'] = varconverter(var[tuple(slicer)].data) if isinstance(data['var'], data['var'] = data['var'].data assert not isinstance(data['var'],, \ "var array shall not be, but of plain booltype" return data return retfunc
[docs]def specreader_rpgfmcw(paraminfo): """build a function for reading in spectral data special function for a special instrument ;) the issues are: - range variable in different file - stacking of single variables for now works only with 3 chirps and range variable only in level0 """ def retfunc(f, time_interval, range_interval): """function that converts the netCDF to the larda-data-format """ logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ncD: times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) if 'time_millisec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_millisec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_millisec_variable']][:] / 1.0e3 times += subsec if 'time_microsec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_microsec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_microsec_variable']][:] / 1.0e6 times += subsec timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD) ts = timeconverter(times) no_chirps = ncD.dimensions['Chirp'].size ranges_per_chirp = [ ncD.variables['C{}Range'.format(i + 1)] for i in range(no_chirps)] ch1range = ranges_per_chirp[0] ranges = np.hstack([rg[:] for rg in ranges_per_chirp]) # get the time slicer from time_interval slicer = get_time_slicer(ts, f, time_interval) if slicer == None: return None rangeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['range_conversion']) varconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['var_conversion']) ir_b = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[0]) if len(range_interval) == 2: if not range_interval[1] == 'max': ir_e = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[1]) ir_e = ir_e + 1 if not ir_e == ranges.shape[0] - 1 else None else: ir_e = None slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_e)) else: slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_b + 1)) vars_per_chirp = [ ncD.variables['C{}{}'.format(i + 1, paraminfo['variable_name'])] for i in range(no_chirps)] ch1var = vars_per_chirp[0] # print('var dict ',ch1var.__dict__) # print('shapes ', ts.shape, ch1range.shape, ch1var.shape) # print("time indices ", it_b, it_e) data = {} data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range', 'vel'] data["filename"] = f data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)[0]] data['rg'] = rangeconverter(ranges[tuple(slicer)[1]]) data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap'] if 'meta' in paraminfo: data['meta'] = get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name']) # also experimental: vis_varconverter if 'plot_varconverter' in paraminfo and paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] != 'none': data['plot_varconverter'] = paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] else: data['plot_varconverter'] = '' data['rg_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_rg_unit", paraminfo, ch1range) data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", paraminfo, ch1var) data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \ get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_lims", paraminfo, ch1var)] if 'vel_ext_variable' in paraminfo: # define the function get_vel_ext = lambda i: ncD.variables[paraminfo['vel_ext_variable'][0]][:][i] # apply it to every chirp vel_ext_per_chirp = [get_vel_ext(i) for i in range(no_chirps)] vel_dim_per_chirp = [v.shape[2] for v in vars_per_chirp] calc_vel_res = lambda v_e, v_dim: 2.0 * v_e / float(v_dim) vel_res_per_chirp = [calc_vel_res(v_e, v_dim) for v_e, v_dim \ in zip(vel_ext_per_chirp, vel_dim_per_chirp)] # for some very obscure reason lambda is not able to unpack 3 values def calc_vel(vel_ext, vel_res, v_dim): return np.linspace(-vel_ext + (0.5 * vel_res), +vel_ext - (0.5 * vel_res), v_dim) vel_per_chirp = [calc_vel(v_e, v_res, v_dim) for v_e, v_res, v_dim \ in zip(vel_ext_per_chirp, vel_res_per_chirp, vel_dim_per_chirp)] else: raise NotImplemented("other means of getting the var dimension are not implemented yet") data['vel'] = vel_per_chirp[0] # interpolate the variables here if 'var_conversion' in paraminfo and paraminfo['var_conversion'] == 'keepNyquist': # the interpolation is only done for the number of spectral lines, not the velocity itself quot = [i/vel_dim_per_chirp[0] for i in vel_dim_per_chirp[1:]] vars_interp = [vars_per_chirp[0]] ich = 1 for var, vel in zip(vars_per_chirp[1:], vel_per_chirp[1:]): data['vel_ch{}'.format(ich+1)] = vel_per_chirp[ich] new_vel = np.linspace(vel[0], vel[-1], vel_dim_per_chirp[0]) vars_interp.append(interp_only_3rd_dim(var[:] * quot[ich-1], vel, new_vel, kind='nearest')) ich += 1 else: vars_interp = [vars_per_chirp[0]] + \ [interp_only_3rd_dim(var, vel, vel_per_chirp[0]) \ for var, vel in zip(vars_per_chirp[1:], vel_per_chirp[1:])] var = np.hstack([v[:] for v in vars_interp]) logger.debug('interpolated spectra from\n{}\n{} to\n{}'.format( [v[:].shape for v in vars_per_chirp], ['{:5.3f}'.format(vel[0]) for vel in vel_per_chirp], [v[:].shape for v in vars_interp]))'var.shape interpolated spectra {}'.format(var.shape)) if "identifier_fill_value" in paraminfo.keys() and not "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_fill_value']) data['mask'] = (var[tuple(slicer)].data == fill_value) elif "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = paraminfo["fill_value"] data['mask'] = np.isclose(var[tuple(slicer)].data, fill_value) else: data['mask'] = ~np.isfinite(var[tuple(slicer)].data) if isinstance(times, data['var'] = varconverter(var[tuple(slicer)].data) else: data['var'] = varconverter(var[tuple(slicer)].data) assert not isinstance(data['mask'],, \ "mask array shall not be, but of plain booltype" if isinstance(data['var'], data['var'] = data['var'].data assert not isinstance(data['var'],, \ "var array shall not be, but of plain booltype" return data return retfunc
[docs]def specreader_rpgpy(paraminfo): """build a function for reading in spectral data """ def retfunc(f, time_interval, range_interval): """function that converts the netCDF to the larda-data-format """ logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ncD: times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) if 'time_millisec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_millisec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_millisec_variable']][:] / 1.0e3 times += subsec if 'time_microsec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_microsec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_microsec_variable']][:] / 1.0e6 times += subsec timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD) ts = timeconverter(times) no_chirps = ncD.dimensions['chirp'].size # check if spectra will be interpolated over chirps or if we extract only one chirp interpolate_velocity = paraminfo['paramkey'][0] != 'C' if not interpolate_velocity: print(f'Key {paraminfo["paramkey"]} starts with "C", only reading chirp {paraminfo["paramkey"][1]}. ') ranges = ncD.variables[paraminfo['range_variable']] # get the time slicer from time_interval slicer = get_time_slicer(ts, f, time_interval) if slicer == None: return None rangeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['range_conversion']) varconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['var_conversion']) ir_b = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[0]) if len(range_interval) == 2: if not range_interval[1] == 'max': ir_e = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[1]) ir_e = ir_e + 1 if not ir_e == ranges.shape[0] - 1 else None else: ir_e = None slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_e)) else: slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_b + 1)) var = ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']] data = {} data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range', 'vel'] data["filename"] = f data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)[0]] data['rg'] = rangeconverter(ranges[tuple(slicer)[1]]) data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap'] if 'meta' in paraminfo: data['meta'] = get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name']) # also experimental: vis_varconverter if 'plot_varconverter' in paraminfo and paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] != 'none': data['plot_varconverter'] = paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] else: data['plot_varconverter'] = '' data['rg_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_rg_unit", paraminfo, ranges) data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", paraminfo, var) data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \ get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_lims", paraminfo, var)] if no_chirps > 1: range_offsets = np.hstack((ncD.variables['chirp_start_indices'][:], ncD.variables['n_range_layers'][:])) if interpolate_velocity: common_velocity = np.linspace(-np.nanmax(ncD.variables['velocity_vectors']), np.nanmax(ncD.variables['velocity_vectors']), ncD.variables['velocity_vectors'][0].shape[0]) if interpolate_velocity: var_array = [] for i in range(no_chirps): v = ncD.variables['velocity_vectors'][:][i] valid_indices = v != -999 dv = np.nanmean(np.diff(v[valid_indices])) var_per_chirp = var[tuple(slicer)[0], range_offsets[i]: range_offsets[i+1], valid_indices] / dv f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(v[valid_indices], var_per_chirp, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) v_interp = f(common_velocity) var_array.append(v_interp) var_array = np.hstack(var_array) dv2 = common_velocity[5] - common_velocity[4] var_out = var_array*dv2 data['vel'] = common_velocity else: chirp_to_extract = int(paraminfo['paramkey'][1]) assert(chirp_to_extract <= no_chirps), f"chirp to extract is {chirp_to_extract} but number of chirps" \ f" is {no_chirps}." var_out = np.zeros(var.shape) v = ncD.variables['velocity_vectors'][:][chirp_to_extract-1] valid_indices = ~v.mask var_out[tuple(slicer)[0], range_offsets[chirp_to_extract-1]: range_offsets[chirp_to_extract], :] = \ var[tuple(slicer)[0], range_offsets[chirp_to_extract-1]: range_offsets[chirp_to_extract], :] var_out = var_out[tuple(slicer)[0], :, valid_indices] data['vel'] = v[valid_indices] if "identifier_fill_value" in paraminfo.keys() and not "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_fill_value']) data['mask'] = (var_out[:, tuple(slicer)[1]] == fill_value) elif "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = paraminfo["fill_value"] data['mask'] = np.isclose(var_out[:, tuple(slicer)[1]], fill_value) else: data['mask'] = ~np.isfinite(var_out[:, tuple(slicer)[1]]) if isinstance(times, data['var'] = varconverter(var_out[:, tuple(slicer)[1]]) else: data['var'] = varconverter(var_out[:, tuple(slicer)[1]]) assert not isinstance(data['mask'],, \ "mask array shall not be, but of plain booltype" if isinstance(data['var'], data['var'] = data['var'].data assert not isinstance(data['var'],, \ "var array shall not be, but of plain booltype" return data return retfunc
[docs]def scanreader_mira(paraminfo): """reader for the scan files - load full file regardless of selected time - covers spec_timeheight and spec_time """ def retfunc(f, time_interval, *further_intervals): """function that converts the netCDF to the larda-data-format """ logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ncD: times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) if 'time_millisec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_millisec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_millisec_variable']][:] / 1.0e3 times += subsec if 'time_microsec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_microsec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_microsec_variable']][:] / 1.0e6 times += subsec timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD) if isinstance(times, ts = timeconverter( else: ts = timeconverter(times) # load the whole time-range from the file slicer = [slice(None)] if paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'scan_timeheight': range_tg = True range_interval = further_intervals[0] ranges = ncD.variables[paraminfo['range_variable']] logger.debug('loader range conversion {}'.format(paraminfo['range_conversion'])) rangeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['range_conversion'], altitude=paraminfo['altitude']) ir_b = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[0]) if len(range_interval) == 2: if not range_interval[1] == 'max': ir_e = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[1]) ir_e = ir_e + 1 if not ir_e == ranges.shape[0] - 1 else None else: ir_e = None slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_e)) else: slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_b + 1)) varconverter, maskconverter = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['var_conversion'], mira_azi_zero=paraminfo['mira_azi_zero']) var = ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']] # print('var dict ',ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']].__dict__) # print("time indices ", it_b, it_e) data = {} if paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'scan_timeheight': data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range'] elif paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'scan_time': data['dimlabel'] = ['time'] # elif paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'spec': # data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range', 'vel'] data["filename"] = f data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)[0]] data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap'] if 'meta' in paraminfo: data['meta'] = get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name']) # also experimental: vis_varconverter if 'plot_varconverter' in paraminfo and paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] != 'none': data['plot_varconverter'] = paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] else: data['plot_varconverter'] = '' if paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'scan_timeheight': if isinstance(times, data['rg'] = rangeconverter(ranges[tuple(slicer)[1]].data) else: data['rg'] = rangeconverter(ranges[tuple(slicer)[1]]) data['rg_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_rg_unit", paraminfo, ranges) logger.debug('shapes {} {} {}'.format(ts.shape, ranges.shape, var.shape)) logger.debug('shapes {} {}'.format(ts.shape, var.shape)) data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", paraminfo, var) data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \ get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_lims", paraminfo, var)] # by default assume dimensions of (time, range, ...) # or define a custom order in the param toml file if 'dimorder' in paraminfo: slicer = [slicer[i] for i in paraminfo['dimorder']] if "identifier_fill_value" in paraminfo.keys() and not "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_fill_value']) mask = (var[tuple(slicer)].data == fill_value) elif "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = paraminfo['fill_value'] mask = np.isclose(var[tuple(slicer)].data, fill_value) else: mask = ~np.isfinite(var[tuple(slicer)].data) assert not isinstance(mask,, \ "mask array shall not be, but of plain booltype" data['var'] = varconverter(var[tuple(slicer)].data) if isinstance(data['var'], data['var'] = data['var'].data assert not isinstance(data['var'],, \ "var array shall not be, but of plain booltype" data['mask'] = maskconverter(mask) return data return retfunc
[docs]def interp_only_3rd_dim(arr, old, new, **kwargs): """function to interpolate only the velocity (3rd) axis""" from scipy import interpolate kind_ = kwargs['kind'] if 'kind' in kwargs else 'linear' f = interpolate.interp1d(old, arr, axis=2, bounds_error=False, fill_value=-999., kind=kind_) new_arr = f(new) return new_arr
[docs]def specreader_kazr(paraminfo): """build a function for reading in spectral data another special function for another special instrument ;) the issues are: - variables time and range are merged and can be accessed by a locator mask - noise is not saved and has to be computed from the spectra - spectra are not in reflectivity but in 10*log10(mW) - need to be converted using specZ = spec * h.z2lin(float(f.cal_constant[:-3])) * self.range[ir]**2 """ def retfunc(f, time_interval, range_interval): """function that converts the netCDF to the larda-data-format """ logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ncD: ranges = ncD.variables[paraminfo['range_variable']] times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) locator_mask = ncD.variables[paraminfo['mask_var']][:].astype( if 'time_millisec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_millisec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_millisec_variable']][:] / 1.0e3 times += subsec if 'time_microsec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_microsec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_microsec_variable']][:] / 1.0e6 times += subsec if 'base_time_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['base_time_variable'] in ncD.variables: basetime = ncD.variables[paraminfo['base_time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) times += basetime timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD) ts = timeconverter(times) it_b = np.searchsorted(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]), side='right') if len(time_interval) == 2: it_e = h.argnearest(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[1])) if it_b == ts.shape[0]: it_b = it_b - 1 if ts[it_e] < h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]) - 3 * np.median(np.diff(ts)) \ or ts[it_b] < h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]): # second condition is to ensure that no timestamp before # the selected interval is chosen # (problem with limrad after change of sampling frequency) logger.warning( 'last profile of file {}\n at {} too far from {}'.format( f, h.ts_to_dt(ts[it_e]), time_interval[0])) return None it_e = it_e + 1 if not it_e == ts.shape[0] - 1 else None slicer = [slice(it_b, it_e)] elif it_b == ts.shape[0]: # only one timestamp is selected # and the found right one would be beyond the ts range it_b = h.argnearest(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0])) slicer = [slice(it_b, it_b + 1)] else: slicer = [slice(it_b, it_b + 1)] rangeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['range_conversion']) varconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['var_conversion']) ir_b = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[0]) if len(range_interval) == 2: if not range_interval[1] == 'max': ir_e = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[1]) ir_e = ir_e + 1 if not ir_e == ranges.shape[0] - 1 else None else: ir_e = None slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_e)) else: slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_b + 1)) range_out = rangeconverter(ranges[tuple(slicer)[1]]) cal = getattr(ncD, paraminfo['cal_const']) var = ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']][:].astype(np.float64) var = var[locator_mask] vel = ncD.variables[paraminfo['vel_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) # print('var dict ',ch1var.__dict__) # print('shapes ', ts.shape, ch1range.shape, ch1var.shape) # print("time indices ", it_b, it_e) data = {} data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range', 'vel'] data["filename"] = f data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)[0]] data['rg'] = range_out data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap'] if 'meta' in paraminfo: data['meta'] = get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name']) # also experimental: vis_varconverter if 'plot_varconverter' in paraminfo and paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] != 'none': data['plot_varconverter'] = paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] else: data['plot_varconverter'] = '' data['rg_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_rg_unit", paraminfo, ranges) #data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", # paraminfo, var) data['var_unit'] = 'dBZ m-1 s' data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \ get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_lims", paraminfo, var)] data['vel'] = vel if "identifier_fill_value" in paraminfo.keys() and not "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_fill_value']) data['mask'] = (var[tuple(slicer)].data == fill_value) elif "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = paraminfo["fill_value"] data['mask'] = np.isclose(var[tuple(slicer)], fill_value) elif "mask_var" in paraminfo.keys(): # combine locator mask and mask of infinite values mask = locator_mask.mask[tuple(slicer)] data["mask"] = np.logical_or(~np.isfinite(var[tuple(slicer)].data), np.repeat(mask[:,:,np.newaxis],len(data['vel']), axis=2)) else: data['mask'] = ~np.isfinite(var[tuple(slicer)].data) if isinstance(times, var = varconverter(var[tuple(slicer)].data) else: var = varconverter(var[tuple(slicer)]) assert not isinstance(mask,, \ "mask array shall not be, but of plain booltype" var2 = h.z2lin(var) * h.z2lin(float(cal[:-3])) * (range_out ** 2)[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] data['var'] = var2 if isinstance(data['var'], data['var'] = data['var'].data assert not isinstance(data['var'],, \ "var array shall not be, but of plain booltype" return data return retfunc
[docs]def reader_pollyraw(paraminfo): """build a function for reading in the polly raw data into larda""" def retfunc(f, time_interval, *further_intervals): """function that converts the netCDF to the larda container """ logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) import zipfile import os with zipfile.ZipFile(f) as zfile: path, file = os.path.split(f) ncD = netCDF4.Dataset('dummy', mode='r',[:-4])) times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD) if isinstance(times, ts = timeconverter( else: ts = timeconverter(times) # get the time slicer from time_interval slicer = get_time_slicer(ts, f, time_interval) if slicer == None: return None # load just the first 2500 range bins of polly slicer.append(slice(0, 2500)) varconverter, maskconverter = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['var_conversion']) varname, dim = paraminfo['variable_name'].split(':') slicer.append(int(dim)) var = ncD.variables[varname] # print('var dict ',ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']].__dict__) # print("time indices ", it_b, it_e) data = {} data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range'] data["filename"] = f data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)[0]] data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap'] if 'meta' in paraminfo: data['meta'] = get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name']) # also experimental: vis_varconverter if 'plot_varconverter' in paraminfo and paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] != 'none': data['plot_varconverter'] = paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] else: data['plot_varconverter'] = '' data['rg'] = np.arange(0, 2500) data['rg_unit'] = 'range_bin' logger.debug('shapes {} {}'.format(ts.shape, var.shape)) data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", paraminfo, var) data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \ get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_lims", paraminfo, var)] # by default assume dimensions of (time, range, ...) # or define a custom order in the param toml file if 'dimorder' in paraminfo: slicer = [slicer[i] for i in paraminfo['dimorder']] if "identifier_fill_value" in paraminfo.keys() and not "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_fill_value']) mask = (var[tuple(slicer)].data == fill_value) elif "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = paraminfo['fill_value'] mask = np.isclose(var[tuple(slicer)].data, fill_value) else: mask = ~np.isfinite(var[tuple(slicer)].data) assert not isinstance(mask,, \ "mask array shall not be, but of plain booltype" #print(slicer) data['var'] = varconverter(var[tuple(slicer)].data) if isinstance(data['var'], data['var'] = data['var'].data assert not isinstance(data['var'],, \ "var array shall not be, but of plain booltype" data['mask'] = maskconverter(mask) return data return retfunc
[docs]def reader_wyoming_sounding(paraminfo): """ build a reader to read in Wyoming Upper Air soundings, saved locally as a txt file Args: paraminfo: parameter information from toml file Returns: reader function """ def retfunc(f, time_interval, *further_intervals): """ function that converts the txt file to larda data container Args: f: time_interval: Returns: larda data container with sounding data """ import csv import datetime logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) with open(f) as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') headers = next(reader, None) var_index = [i for i,j in enumerate(headers) if j == paraminfo['variable_name']] assert(len(var_index) == 1), "mismatch between headers in file and variable name in toml" rg_index = [i for i,j in enumerate(headers) if j == paraminfo['range_variable']] assert(len(rg_index) == 1), "mismatch between headers in file and range variable name in toml" data = {} data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range'] data['ts'] = np.array([h.dt_to_ts(datetime.datetime.strptime('/')[-1][0:11], '%Y%m%d_%H'))]) data['var'] = [] data['rg'] = [] for row in reader: try: data['var'].append(float(row[var_index[0]])) except ValueError: # empty line cannot be converted to float data['var'].append(np.nan) data['rg'].append(float(row[rg_index[0]])) data['var'] = np.array(data['var'])[np.newaxis,:] data['rg'] = np.array(data['rg']) data['mask'] = np.isnan(data['var']) data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['var_lims'] = paraminfo['var_lims'] data['colormap'] = 'jet' if not 'colormap' in paraminfo else paraminfo['colormap'] data['rg_unit'] = paraminfo['rg_unit'] data['var_unit'] = paraminfo['var_unit'] data['paraminfo'] = paraminfo data['filename'] = return data return retfunc
[docs]def psd_reader(paraminfo): """build a function for reading in in-situ data (particle size distributions) """ def retfunc(f, time_interval): """function that converts the netCDF to the larda-data-format """ logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f)) with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ncD: times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) if 'time_millisec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_millisec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_millisec_variable']][:] / 1.0e3 times += subsec if 'time_microsec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['time_microsec_variable'] in ncD.variables: subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_microsec_variable']][:] / 1.0e6 times += subsec if 'base_time_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \ paraminfo['base_time_variable'] in ncD.variables: basetime = ncD.variables[paraminfo['base_time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) times += basetime timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD) ts = timeconverter(times) ranges = ncD.variables[paraminfo['range_variable']] it_b = np.searchsorted(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]), side='right') if len(time_interval) == 2: it_e = h.argnearest(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[1])) if it_b == ts.shape[0]: it_b = it_b - 1 if ts[it_e] < h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]) - 3 * np.median(np.diff(ts)) \ or ts[it_b] < h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]): # second condition is to ensure that no timestamp before # the selected interval is chosen # (problem with limrad after change of sampling frequency) logger.warning( 'last profile of file {}\n at {} too far from {}'.format( f, h.ts_to_dt(ts[it_e]), time_interval[0])) return None it_e = it_e + 1 if not it_e == ts.shape[0] - 1 else None slicer = [slice(it_b, it_e)] elif it_b == ts.shape[0]: # only one timestamp is selected # and the found right one would be beyond the ts range it_b = h.argnearest(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0])) slicer = [slice(it_b, it_b + 1)] it_e = it_b + 1 else: slicer = [slice(it_b, it_b + 1)] it_e = it_b + 1 varconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['var_conversion']) rangeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array( paraminfo['range_conversion']) var = ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']][:].astype(np.float64) diam = ncD.variables[paraminfo['diam_variable']][:].astype(np.float64) # print('var dict ',ch1var.__dict__) # print('shapes ', ts.shape, ch1range.shape, ch1var.shape) # print("time indices ", it_b, it_e) data = {} data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'diameter'] data["filename"] = f data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)[0]] data['diameter'] = diam data['system'] = paraminfo['system'] data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey'] data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap'] data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", paraminfo, ncD.variables[paraminfo['variable_name']]) if 'meta' in paraminfo: data['meta'] = get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name']) # also experimental: vis_varconverter if 'plot_varconverter' in paraminfo and paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] != 'none': data['plot_varconverter'] = paraminfo['plot_varconverter'] else: data['plot_varconverter'] = '' #data['var_unit'] = get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit", # paraminfo, var) data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \ get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_lims", paraminfo, var)] if "identifier_fill_value" in paraminfo.keys() and not "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = var.getncattr(paraminfo['identifier_fill_value']) data['mask'] = (var[tuple(slicer)].data == fill_value) elif "fill_value" in paraminfo.keys(): fill_value = paraminfo["fill_value"] data['mask'] = np.isclose(var[tuple(slicer)], fill_value) else: data['mask'] = ~np.isfinite(var[tuple(slicer)].data) if isinstance(times, data['var'] = varconverter(var[:, it_b: it_e].data) else: data['var'] = varconverter(var[:, it_b: it_e]) data['rg'] = rangeconverter(ranges[it_b:it_e]) if isinstance(data['var'], data['var'] = data['var'].data assert not isinstance(data['var'],, \ "var array shall not be, but of plain booltype" return data return retfunc