Source code for pyLARDA.SpectraProcessing

This routine calculates the radar moments for the RPG 94 GHz FMCW radar 'LIMRAD94' and generates a NetCDF4 file.
The generated files can be used as input for the Cloudnet processing chain.

    **date (string): format YYYYMMDD
    **path (string): path where NetCDF file will be stored


    .. code::

        python date=20181201 path=/tmp/pycharm_project_626/scripts_Willi/cloudnet_input/

import bisect
import copy
import warnings

import datetime
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import time
from itertools import product
from numba import jit
from import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.signal import correlate

from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Union

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)

from pyLARDA.helpers import z2lin, argnearest, lin2z, ts_to_dt, dt_to_ts

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def replace_fill_value(data, newfill): """ Replaces the fill value of an spectrum container by their time and range specific mean noise level. Args: data (numpy.array) : 3D spectrum array (time, range, velocity) newfill (numpy.array) : 2D new fill values for 3rd dimension (velocity) Returns: var (numpy.array): spectrum with mean noise """ n_ts, n_rg, _ = data.shape var = data.copy() masked = np.all(data <= 0.0, axis=2) for iT in range(n_ts): for iR in range(n_rg): if masked[iT, iR]: var[iT, iR, :] = newfill[iT, iR] else: var[iT, iR, var[iT, iR, :] <= 0.0] = newfill[iT, iR] return var
def get_chirp_from_range(rg_offsets, i_rg): for i, ioff in enumerate(rg_offsets[1:]): if i_rg <= ioff: return i
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def estimate_noise_hs74(spectrum, navg=1, std_div=6.0, nnoise_min=1): """REFERENCE TO ARM PYART GITHUB REPO: Estimate noise parameters of a Doppler spectrum. Use the method of estimating the noise level in Doppler spectra outlined by Hildebrand and Sehkon, 1974. Args: spectrum (array): Doppler spectrum in linear units. navg (int, optional): The number of spectral bins over which a moving average has been taken. Corresponds to the **p** variable from equation 9 of the article. The default value of 1 is appropriate when no moving average has been applied to the spectrum. std_div (float, optional): Number of standard deviations above mean noise floor to specify the signal threshold, default: threshold=mean_noise + 6*std(mean_noise) nnoise_min (int, optional): Minimum number of noise samples to consider the estimation valid. Returns: tuple with - **mean** (*float*): Mean of points in the spectrum identified as noise. - **threshold** (*float*): Threshold separating noise from signal. The point in the spectrum with this value or below should be considered as noise, above this value signal. It is possible that all points in the spectrum are identified as noise. If a peak is required for moment calculation then the point with this value should be considered as signal. - **var** (*float*): Variance of the points in the spectrum identified as noise. - **nnoise** (*int*): Number of noise points in the spectrum. References: P. H. Hildebrand and R. S. Sekhon, Objective Determination of the Noise Level in Doppler Spectra. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 1974, 13, 808-811. """ sorted_spectrum = np.sort(spectrum) nnoise = len(spectrum) # default to all points in the spectrum as noise rtest = 1 + 1 / navg sum1 = 0. sum2 = 0. for i, pwr in enumerate(sorted_spectrum): npts = i + 1 if npts < nnoise_min: continue sum1 += pwr sum2 += pwr * pwr if npts * sum2 < sum1 * sum1 * rtest: nnoise = npts else: # partial spectrum no longer has characteristics of white noise. sum1 -= pwr sum2 -= pwr * pwr break mean = sum1 / nnoise var = sum2 / nnoise - mean * mean threshold = mean + np.sqrt(var) * std_div return mean, threshold, var, nnoise
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def find_peak_edges(signal, threshold=-1, imaxima=-1): """Returns the indices of left and right edge of the main signal peak in a Doppler spectra. Args: signal (numpy.array): 1D array Doppler spectra threshold: noise threshold Returns: [index_left, index_right] (list): indices of signal minimum/maximum velocity """ len_sig = len(signal) index_left, index_right = 0, len_sig if threshold < 0: threshold = np.min(signal) if imaxima < 0: imaxima = np.argmax(signal) for ispec in range(imaxima, len_sig): if signal[ispec] > threshold: continue index_right = ispec break for ispec in range(imaxima, -1, -1): if signal[ispec] > threshold: continue index_left = ispec + 1 # the +1 is important, otherwise a fill_value will corrupt the numba code break return threshold, [index_left, index_right]
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def radar_moment_calculation(signal, vel_bins, DoppRes): """ Calculation of radar moments: reflectivity, mean Doppler velocity, spectral width, skewness, and kurtosis of one Doppler spectrum. Optimized for the use of Numba. Note: Divide the signal_sum by 2 because vertical and horizontal channel are added. Subtract half of of the Doppler resolution from mean Doppler velocity, because Args: - signal (float array): detected signal from a Doppler spectrum - vel_bins (float array): extracted velocity bins of the signal (same length as signal) - DoppRes (int): resolution of the Doppler spectra (different for each chirp) Returns: dict containing - **Ze_lin** (*float array*): reflectivity (0.Mom) over range of velocity bins [mm6/m3] - **VEL** (*float array*): mean velocity (1.Mom) over range of velocity bins [m/s] - **sw** (*float array*): spectrum width (2.Mom) over range of velocity bins [m/s] - **skew** (*float array*): skewness (3.Mom) over range of velocity bins - **kurt** (*float array*): kurtosis (4.Mom) over range of velocity bins """ signal_sum = np.sum(signal) # linear full spectrum Ze [mm^6/m^3], scalar Ze_lin = signal_sum / 2.0 pwr_nrm = signal / signal_sum # determine normalized power (NOT normalized by Vdop bins) VEL = np.sum(vel_bins * pwr_nrm) vel_diff = vel_bins - VEL vel_diff2 = vel_diff * vel_diff sw = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.sum(pwr_nrm * vel_diff2))) sw2 = sw * sw skew = np.sum(pwr_nrm * vel_diff * vel_diff2 / (sw * sw2)) kurt = np.sum(pwr_nrm * vel_diff2 * vel_diff2 / (sw2 * sw2)) VEL = VEL - DoppRes / 2.0 return Ze_lin, VEL, sw, skew, kurt
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def despeckle(mask, min_percentage): """Remove small patches (speckle) from any given mask by checking 5x5 box around each pixel, more than half of the points in the box need to be 1 to keep the 1 at current pixel Args: mask (numpy.array, integer): 2D mask where 1 = an invalid/fill value and 0 = a data point (time, height) min_percentage (float): minimum percentage of neighbours that need to be signal above noise Returns: mask ... speckle-filtered matrix of 0 and 1 that represents (cloud) mask [height x time] """ WSIZE = 5 # 5x5 window n_bins = WSIZE * WSIZE min_bins = int(min_percentage / 100 * n_bins) shift = int(WSIZE / 2) n_ts, n_rg = mask.shape for iT in range(n_ts - WSIZE): for iR in range(n_rg - WSIZE): if mask[iT, iR] and np.sum(mask[iT:iT + WSIZE, iR:iR + WSIZE]) > min_bins: mask[iT + shift, iR + shift] = True return mask
[docs]def make_container_from_spectra(spectra_all_chirps, values, paraminfo, invalid_mask, varname=''): """ This routine will generate a larda container from calculated moments from spectra. Args: spectra_all_chirps (list of dicts): dimension [nchirps], containing the spectrum values of the 94 GHz RPG cloud radar values (numpy array): dimension [nrange, ntimes], values of calculated moments paraminfo (dict): information from params_[campaign].toml for the specific variable Returns: container (dict): larda data container """ if len(varname) > 0: spectra_all_chirps = [spectra_all_chirps[ic][varname] for ic in range(len(spectra_all_chirps))] spectra = spectra_all_chirps[0] #np.array([rg for ic in spectra_all_chirps for rg in ic['rg']]) container = {'dimlabel': ['time', 'range'], 'filename': spectra['filename'] if 'filename' in spectra else '', 'paraminfo': copy.deepcopy(paraminfo), 'rg_unit': paraminfo['rg_unit'], 'colormap': paraminfo['colormap'], 'var_unit': paraminfo['var_unit'], 'var_lims': paraminfo['var_lims'], 'system': paraminfo['system'], 'name': paraminfo['paramkey'], 'rg': spectra['rg'], 'ts': spectra['ts'], 'mask': invalid_mask, 'var': values[:]} return container
[docs]def load_spectra_rpgfmcw94(larda, time_span, rpg_radar='LIMRAD94', **kwargs): """ This routine will generate a list of larda containers including spectra of the RPG-FMCW 94GHz radar. The list-container at return will contain the additional information, for each chirp. Args: rpg_radar (string): name of the radar system as defined in the toml file larda (class larda): Initialized pyLARDA, already connected to a specific campaign time_span (list): Starting and ending time point in datetime format. **noise_factor (float): Noise factor, number of standard deviations from mean noise floor **ghost_echo_1 (bool): Filters ghost echos which occur over all chirps during precipitation. **ghost_echo_2 (bool): Filters ghost echos which occur over 1 chirps during precipitation. **estimate_noise (boal): If True, adds the following noise estimation values to the container: - mean (2d ndarray): Mean noise level of the spectra. - threshold (2d ndarray): Noise threshold, values above this threshold are consider as signal. - variance (2d ndarray): The variance of the mean noise level. - numnoise (2d ndarray): Number of Pixels that are cconsideras noise. - signal (2d ndarray): Boolean array, a value is True if no signal was detected. - bounds (3d ndarrax): Dimensions [n_time, n_range, 2] containing the integration boundaries. Returns: container (list): list of larda data container - **spec[i_chirps]['no_av']** (*float*): Number of spectral averages divided by the number of FFT points - **spec[i_chirps]['DoppRes']** (*float*): Doppler resolution for - **spec[i_chirps]['SL']** (*2D-float*): Sensitivity limit (dimensions: time, range) - **spec[i_chirps]['NF']** (*string*): Noise factor, default = 6.0 - **spec[i_chirps]['rg_offsets']** (*list*): Indices, where chipr shifts """ # read limrad94 doppler spectra and caluclate radar moments std_above_mean_noise = float(kwargs['noise_factor']) if 'noise_factor' in kwargs else 6.0 heave_correct = kwargs['heave_correction'] if 'heave_correction' in kwargs else False version = kwargs['heave_corr_version'] if 'heave_corr_version' in kwargs else 'jr' add = kwargs['add'] if 'add' in kwargs else False shift = kwargs['shift'] if 'shift' in kwargs else 0 dealiasing_flag = kwargs['dealiasing'] if 'dealiasing' in kwargs else False ghost_echo_1 = kwargs['ghost_echo_1'] if 'ghost_echo_1' in kwargs else True ghost_echo_2 = kwargs['ghost_echo_2'] if 'ghost_echo_2' in kwargs else True do_despeckle2D = kwargs['despeckle2D'] if 'despeckle2D' in kwargs else True add_horizontal_channel = True if 'add_horizontal_channel' in kwargs and kwargs['add_horizontal_channel'] else False estimate_noise = True if std_above_mean_noise > 0.0 else False AvgNum_in =, "AvgNum", time_span) DoppLen_in =, "DoppLen", time_span) MaxVel_in =, "MaxVel", time_span) ChirpFFTSize_in =, "ChirpFFTSize", time_span) SeqIntTime_in =, "SeqIntTime", time_span) data = {} # depending on how much files are loaded, AvgNum and DoppLen are multidimensional list if len(AvgNum_in['var'].shape) > 1: AvgNum = AvgNum_in['var'][0] DoppLen = DoppLen_in['var'][0] ChirpFFTSize = ChirpFFTSize_in['var'][0] DoppRes = np.divide(2.0 * MaxVel_in['var'][0], DoppLen_in['var'][0]) MaxVel = MaxVel_in['var'][0] SeqIntTime = SeqIntTime_in['var'][0] else: AvgNum = AvgNum_in['var'] DoppLen = DoppLen_in['var'] ChirpFFTSize = ChirpFFTSize_in['var'] DoppRes = np.divide(2.0 * MaxVel_in['var'], DoppLen_in['var']) MaxVel = MaxVel_in['var'] SeqIntTime = SeqIntTime_in['var'] # initialize tstart = time.time() if add_horizontal_channel: data['SLh'] =, "SLh", time_span, [0, 'max']) data['HSpec'] =, 'HSpec', time_span, [0, 'max']) data['ReVHSpec'] =, 'ImVHSpec', time_span, [0, 'max']) data['ImVHSpec'] =, 'ReVHSpec', time_span, [0, 'max']) data['VHSpec'] =, 'VSpec', time_span, [0, 'max']) data['SLv'] =, "SLv", time_span, [0, 'max']) data['mdv'] =, 'VEL', time_span, [0, 'max']) data['NF'] = std_above_mean_noise data['no_av'] = np.divide(AvgNum, DoppLen) data['DoppRes'] = DoppRes data['DoppLen'] = DoppLen data['MaxVel'] = MaxVel data['ChirpFFTSize'] = ChirpFFTSize data['SeqIntTime'] = SeqIntTime data['n_ts'], data['n_rg'], data['n_vel'] = data['VHSpec']['var'].shape data['n_ch'] = len(MaxVel) data['rg_offsets'] = [0] data['vel'] = [] for var in ['C1Range', 'C2Range', 'C3Range']: logger.debug('loading variable from LV1 :: ' + var) data.update({var:, var, time_span, [0, 'max'])}) for ic in range(len(AvgNum)): nrange_ =, f'C{ic + 1}Range', time_span)['var'] if len(nrange_.shape) == 1: nrange_ = nrange_.size else: nrange_ = nrange_.shape[1] data['rg_offsets'].append(data['rg_offsets'][ic] + nrange_) data['vel'].append(np.linspace(-MaxVel[ic] + (0.5 * DoppRes[ic]), +MaxVel[ic] - (0.5 * DoppRes[ic]), np.max(DoppLen))) data['VHSpec']['rg_offsets'] = data['rg_offsets']'Loading spectra, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]') """ #################################################################################################################### ____ ___ ___ _ ___ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ _ ____ |__| | \ | \ | | | | | |\ | |__| | |__] |__/ |___ |__] |__/ | | | |___ [__ [__ | |\ | | __ | | |__/ |__/ | | | |__| | \| | | |___ | | \ |___ | | \ |__| |___ |___ ___] ___] | | \| |__] #################################################################################################################### """ if heave_correct: tstart = time.time() current_day = ts_to_dt(data['VHSpec']['ts'][0]) data['VHSpec']['var'], data['heave_cor'], data['heave_cor_bins'], _, data['time_shift_array'] = heave_correction_spectra( data, current_day, path_to_seapath="/projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/RV-METEOR_DSHIP", mean_hr=True, only_heave=False, use_cross_product=True, transform_to_earth=True, add=add, shift=shift, version=version)'Heave correction applied, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]') if do_despeckle2D: tstart = time.time() data['dspkl_mask'] = despeckle2D(data['VHSpec']['var']) data['VHSpec']['var'][data['dspkl_mask']], data['VHSpec']['mask'][data['dspkl_mask']] = -999.0, True'Despeckle applied, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]') # read spectra and other variables if estimate_noise: tstart = time.time() data['edges'] = np.full((data['n_ts'], data['n_rg'], 2), 0, dtype=int) try: data['Vnoise'] =, 'VNoisePow', time_span, [0, 'max']) if add_horizontal_channel: data['Hnoise'] =, 'HNoisePow', time_span, [0, 'max']) # initialize arrays data['mean'] = np.full((data['n_ts'], data['n_rg']), -999.0) data['variance'] = np.full((data['n_ts'], data['n_rg']), -999.0) tmp = data['VHSpec']['var'].copy() tmp[tmp <= 0.0] = np.nan # catch RuntimeWarning: All-NaN slice encountered with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") data['thresh'] = np.nanmin(tmp, axis=2) data['var_max'] = np.nanmax(tmp, axis=2) # find all-noise-spectra (aka. fill_value) mask = np.all(data['VHSpec']['var'] == -999.0, axis=2) data['thresh'][mask] = data['Vnoise']['var'][mask] del tmp except KeyError:'KeyError: Noise Power variable not found, calculate noise level...') noise_est = noise_estimation_uncompressed_data(data['VHSpec'], no_av=data['no_av'], n_std=6.0, rg_offsets=data['rg_offsets']) mask = ~noise_est['signal'] data['thresh'] = noise_est['threshold'] data['VHSpec']['var'][mask] = -999.0 # IGNORES: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less: # masking = data['VHSpec']['var'][iT, iR, :] < data['thresh'][iT, iR] with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): for iT, iR in product(range(data['n_ts']), range(data['n_rg'])): if mask[iT, iR]: continue masking = data['VHSpec']['var'][iT, iR, :] < data['thresh'][iT, iR] data['VHSpec']['var'][iT, iR, masking] = -999.0 if dealiasing_flag: dealiased_spec, dealiased_mask, new_vel, new_bounds, _, _ = dealiasing( data['VHSpec']['var'], data['vel'], data['SLv']['var'], data['rg_offsets'], vel_offsets=kwargs['dealiasing_vel'] if 'dealiasing_vel' in kwargs else None, show_triple=False ) data['VHSpec']['var'] = dealiased_spec data['VHSpec']['mask'] = dealiased_mask data['VHSpec']['vel'] = new_vel[0] # copy to larda container data['vel'] = new_vel # copy all veloctiys data['edges'] = new_bounds else: for iT, iR in product(range(data['n_ts']), range(data['n_rg'])): if mask[iT, iR]: continue _, data['edges'][iT, iR, :] = find_peak_edges(data['VHSpec']['var'][iT, iR, :], data['thresh'][iT, iR])'Loading Noise Level, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]') if ghost_echo_1: tstart = time.time() data['ge1_mask'] = filter_ghost_1(data['VHSpec']['var'], data['VHSpec']['rg'], data['vel'], data['rg_offsets'])'Precipitation Ghost Filter applied, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]')'Number of ghost pixel due to precipitation = {np.sum(data["ge1_mask"])}') data['VHSpec']['var'][data['ge1_mask']], data['VHSpec']['mask'][data['ge1_mask']] = -999.0, True if ghost_echo_2: data['ge2_mask'] = filter_ghost_2(data['VHSpec']['var'], data['VHSpec']['rg'], data['SLv']['var'], data['rg_offsets'][1])'Curtain-like Ghost Filter applied, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]')'Number of curtain-like ghost pixel = {np.sum(data["ge2_mask"])}') data['VHSpec']['var'][data['ge2_mask']], data['VHSpec']['mask'][data['ge2_mask']] = -999.0, True if do_despeckle2D: tstart = time.time() data['dspkl_mask'] = despeckle2D(data['VHSpec']['var']) data['VHSpec']['var'][data['dspkl_mask']], data['VHSpec']['mask'][data['dspkl_mask']] = -999.0, True'Despeckle applied, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]') return data
[docs]def dealiasing_check(masked3D): """ Checks for folding. Args: masked3D (numpy.array): 3D (time, range, velocity) vel (list): contains 1D numpy.arrays for each chirp mean_noise (numpy.array): rg_offsets (numpy.array): Returns: alias_flag (numpy.array): """ frac = 5 alias_flag = np.full(masked3D.shape[:2], False) masked2D = masked3D.all(axis=2) Nfft = masked3D.shape[2] frac = np.ceil(Nfft / 100 * frac).astype(np.int32) for iT, iR in product(range(masked3D.shape[0]), range(masked3D.shape[1])): if masked2D[iT, iR]: continue # no signal was recorded # check if aliasing occured by checking if more than 'frac' percent of the bins exceeded # mean noise level at one of the spectra n_start = np.sum(~masked3D[iT, iR, :frac]) n_end = np.sum(~masked3D[iT, iR, Nfft-frac+1:Nfft+1]) if n_start >= frac or n_end >= frac: alias_flag[iT, iR] = True # then aliasing detected return alias_flag
[docs]def dealiasing( spectra: np.array, vel_bins_per_chirp: List[np.array], noisefloor: np.array, rg_offsets: List[int] = None, show_triple: bool = False, vel_offsets: List[int] = None, jump: int = None, ) -> Union[np.array, np.array, List[np.array], np.array, np.array, np.array]: """ Peaks exceeding the maximum unambiguous Doppler velocity range of ± v_Nyq in [m s-1] appear at the next upper (lower) range gate at the other end of the velocity spectrum. The dealiasing method presented here aims to correct for this and is applied to every time step. Logging level INFO shows the de-aliasing progress bar. Args: spectra: dim = (n_time, n_range, n_velocity) in linear units! vel_bins_per_chirp: len = (n_chirp), each list element contains a numpy array of velocity bins noisefloor: dim = (n_time, n_range) in linear units! rg_offsets (optional): dim = (n_chirp + 1), starting with 0, range indices where chirp shift occurs show_triple (optional): if True, return dealiased spectra including the triplication vel_offsets (optional): velocity window around the main peak [x1, x2], x1 < 0, x2 > 0 ! in [m s-1], default [-6.0, +9.0] jump (optional): maximum number of Doppler bins a spectrum can change in two adjacent range bins Returns: tuple containing - **dealiased_spectra**: dim = (n_time, n_range, 3 * n_velocity), de-aliased Doppler spectrum - **dealiased_mask**: dim = (n_time, n_range, 3 * n_velocity), True if no signal - **velocity_new**: len = (n_chirp), each list element contains a numpy array of velocity bins for the respective chirp of ± 3*v_Nyq in [m s-1] - **signal_boundaries**: indices of left and right edge of a signal, [-1, -1] if no signal - **search_path**: indices of left and right edge of the search path, [-1, -1] if no signal - **idx_peak_matrix**: indices of the main peaks, [NDbins / 2] if no signal .. todo:: - add time--height mask for dealiasing - search window relative to [m s-1] - abs(idx_new_peak - mean_idx_last_ts) > 120: --> relativ """ (n_ts, n_rg, n_vel), n_ch = spectra.shape, len(rg_offsets) - 1 n_vel_new = 3 * n_vel k = 2 if jump is None: jump = n_vel // 2 # triplicate velocity bins velocity_new = [] for v in vel_bins_per_chirp: vel_range = v[-1] - v[0] velocity_new.append(np.linspace(v[0] - vel_range, v[-1] + vel_range, n_vel_new)) # set (n_rg, 2) array containing velocity index offset ±velocty_jump_tolerance from maxima from last range gate _one_in_all = [-7.0, +7.0] if vel_offsets is None else vel_offsets velocty_jump_tolerance = np.array([_one_in_all for _ in range(n_ch)]) # ± [m s-1] rg_diffs = np.diff(rg_offsets) Dopp_res = np.array([vel_bins_per_chirp[ic][1] - vel_bins_per_chirp[ic][0] for ic in range(n_ch)]) iDbinTol = [velocty_jump_tolerance[ires, :] // res for ires, res in enumerate(Dopp_res)] iDbinTol = np.concatenate([np.array([iDbinTol[ic]] * rg_diffs[ic]) for ic in range(n_ch)]).astype( # triplicate spectra Z_linear = np.concatenate([spectra for _ in range(3)], axis=2) # initialize arrays for dealiasing window_fcn = np.kaiser(n_vel_new, 4.0) signal_boundaries = np.zeros((n_ts, n_rg, 2), search_path = np.zeros((n_ts, n_rg, 2), dealiased_spectra = np.full(Z_linear.shape, -999.0, dtype=np.float32) dealiased_mask = np.full(Z_linear.shape, True, dtype=np.bool) idx_peak_matrix = np.full((n_ts, n_rg), n_vel_new // 2, all_clear = np.all(np.all(spectra <= 0.0, axis=2), axis=1) noise = np.copy(noisefloor) noise_mask = spectra.min(axis=2) > noise noise[noise_mask] = spectra.min(axis=2)[noise_mask] logger.debug(f'Doppler resolution per chirp : {Dopp_res}')'Doppler spectra de-aliasing....... ') for iT in range(n_ts) if logger.level > 20 else tqdm(range(n_ts), unit=' timesteps', total=n_ts): # entire profile is clear sky if all_clear[iT]: continue # assume no dealiasing at upper most range gate idx_last_peak = n_vel_new // 2 # Top-Down approach: check range gates below for iR in range(n_rg - 1, -1, -1): # the search window for the next peak maximum surrounds ± velocity_jump_tolerance [m s-1] around the last peak maximum search_window = range(max(idx_last_peak + iDbinTol[iR, 0], 0), min(idx_last_peak + iDbinTol[iR, 1], n_vel_new)) Z_windowed = Z_linear[iT, iR, :] * np.roll(window_fcn, n_vel_new // 2 - idx_last_peak) Z_windowed = Z_windowed[search_window] # Note: Think about index shift! idx_new_peak = np.argmax(Z_windowed) + search_window[0] # check if Doppler velocity jumps more than 120 bins from last _eak max to new(=one rg below) peak max mean_idx_last_ts = int(np.mean(idx_peak_matrix[max(0, iT - k):min(iT + 1, n_ts), max(0, iR - 1):min(iR + k, n_rg)])) if abs(idx_new_peak - mean_idx_last_ts) > jump: logger.debug(f'jump at iT={iT} iR={iR}') idx_new_peak = mean_idx_last_ts search_window = range(max(idx_new_peak + iDbinTol[iR, 0], 0), min(idx_new_peak + iDbinTol[iR, 1], n_vel_new)) search_path[iT, iR, :] = [search_window[0], search_window[-1]] # for plotting if search_window[0] < idx_new_peak < search_window[-1]: # calc signal boundaries _, _bnd = find_peak_edges(Z_linear[iT, iR, :], threshold=noise[iT, iR], imaxima=idx_new_peak) # safety precautions, if idx-left-bound > idx-right-bound --> no signal if _bnd[0] == _bnd[1] + 1: # probably clear sky idx_peak_matrix[iT, iR] = idx_last_peak signal_boundaries[iT, iR, :] = [-1, -1] else: signal_boundaries[iT, iR, :] = _bnd idx_peak_matrix[iT, iR] = idx_new_peak idx_last_peak = idx_new_peak # if show_triple == True, copy all signals including the triplication else copy only the main signal and not the triplication _bnd_tmp = [None, None] if show_triple else _bnd dealiased_spectra[iT, iR, _bnd_tmp[0]:_bnd_tmp[1]] = Z_linear[iT, iR, _bnd_tmp[0]:_bnd_tmp[1]] dealiased_mask[iT, iR, _bnd_tmp[0]:_bnd_tmp[1]] = False else: # last peak stays the same, no integration boundaries signal_boundaries[iT, iR, :] = [-1, -1] idx_peak_matrix[iT, iR] = idx_last_peak logger.debug(f'signal boundaries(iR == {iR}) = {signal_boundaries[iT, iR, :]} ' f'idx_peak_max {idx_peak_matrix[iT, iR]}, ' f'min val = noise floor : {Z_linear[iT, iR, :].min():.7f}, {noise[iT, iR]:.7f} ') # clean up signal boundaries signal_boundaries[(signal_boundaries <= 0) + (signal_boundaries >= n_vel_new)] = -1 return dealiased_spectra, dealiased_mask, velocity_new, signal_boundaries, search_path, idx_peak_matrix
[docs]def noise_estimation_uncompressed_data(data, n_std=6.0, **kwargs): """ Creates a dict containing the noise threshold, mean noise level, the variance of the noise, the number of noise values in the spectrum, and the boundaries of the main signal peak, if there is one Args: data (dict): data container, containing data['var'] of dimension (n_ts, n_range, n_Doppler_bins) **n_std_deviations (float): threshold = number of standard deviations above mean noise floor, default: threshold is the value of the first non-noise value Returns: dict with noise floor estimation for all time and range points """ spectra3D = data['var'].copy() n_ts, n_rg, n_vel = spectra3D.shape if 'rg_offsets' in kwargs: rg_offsets = np.copy(kwargs['rg_offsets']) rg_offsets[0] = -1 rg_offsets[-1] += 1 else: rg_offsets = [-1, n_rg + 1] no_av = kwargs['no_av'] if 'no_av' in kwargs else [1] # fill values needs to be masked for noise removal otherwise wrong results spectra3D[spectra3D == -999.0] = np.nan # Estimate Noise Floor for all chirps, time stemps and range gates aka. for all pixels # Algorithm used: Hildebrand & Sekhon # allocate numpy arrays noise_est = { 'mean': np.zeros((n_ts, n_rg), dtype=np.float32), 'threshold': np.zeros((n_ts, n_rg), dtype=np.float32), 'variance': np.zeros((n_ts, n_rg), dtype=np.float32), 'numnoise': np.zeros((n_ts, n_rg), dtype=np.int32), 'signal': np.full((n_ts, n_rg), fill_value=True), } # gather noise level etc. for all chirps, range gates and times'Noise estimation for uncompressed spectra....... ') noise_free = np.isnan(spectra3D).any(axis=2) iterator = product(range(n_ts), range(n_rg)) if logger.level > 20 else tqdm(product(range(n_ts), range(n_rg)), total=n_ts * n_rg, unit=' spectra') for iT, iR in iterator: if noise_free[iT, iR]: continue mean, thresh, var, nnoise = estimate_noise_hs74( spectra3D[iT, iR, :], navg=no_av[getnointerval(rg_offsets, iR) - 1], std_div=n_std ) noise_est['mean'][iT, iR] = mean noise_est['variance'][iT, iR] = var noise_est['numnoise'][iT, iR] = nnoise noise_est['threshold'][iT, iR] = thresh noise_est['signal'][iT, iR] = nnoise < n_vel return noise_est
[docs]def mira_noise_calculation(radar_const, SNRCorFaCo, HSDco, noise_power_co, range_ka): """ Args: radar_const: SNRCorFaCo: HSDco: noise_power_co: range_ka: Returns: noise level in linear units """ noise_ka_lin = np.zeros(HSDco.shape) for iT in range(len(radar_const)): noise_ka_lin[iT, :] = radar_const[iT] * SNRCorFaCo[iT, :] * HSDco[iT, :] / noise_power_co[iT] * (range_ka / 5000.) ^ 2. return noise_ka_lin
def getnointerval(intervals, i): return bisect.bisect_left(intervals, i) def seconds_to_fstring(time_diff): return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_diff).strftime("%M:%S")
[docs]def despeckle2D(data, min_perc=80.0): """This function is used to remove all spectral lines for one time-range-pixel if surrounding% of the sourounding pixels are fill_values. Args: data (numpy.array): cloud radar Doppler spectra, dimensions: (time, range, velocity), unit: [mm6 mm-3 m s-1] Keyword Args: min_perc (float): minimum percentage value of neighbouring pixel, that need to be above the noise threshold Returns: mask (numpy.array, bool): where True = fill_value, and False = signal, dimensions: (time, range, velocity) """ # there must be high levels of reflection/scattering in this region to produce ghost echos mask_2D = despeckle(np.all(data <= 0.0, axis=2), min_perc) mask = data <= 0.0 for iBin in range(data.shape[2]): mask[:, :, iBin] = mask_2D return mask
[docs]def filter_ghost_1(data, rg, vel, offset, dBZ_thresh=-20.0, reduce_by=1.5, **kwargs): """This function is used to remove certain spectral lines "speckle ghost echoes" from all chirps of RPG FMCW 94GHz cloud radar spectra. The speckle occur usually near the maximum unambiguous Doppler velocity. Args: data (numpy.array): cloud radar Doppler spectra, dimensions: (time, range, velocity), unit: [mm6 mm-3 m s-1] rg (numpy.array): range values, unit [m] vel (list of numpy.arrays): contains the Doppler velocity values for each chirp, dimension = n_chirps offset (list, integer): range indices where the chirp changes takes place, dimension = n_chirps + 1 (starting with 0) dBZ_thresh (float): values below will be considered as ghost echo reduce_by (float): reduce the maximum unambiguous Doppler velocity by this amount in [m s-1] **ignore_chirp1 (bool): Don't filter ghost echos of this type for first chirp (set to True if not given) **Z_thresh (float): Ze in dBZ to be exceeded in lowest 500 m range for filter to be activated Returns: mask (numpy.array, bool): where True = fill_value, and False = signal, dimensions: (time, range, velocity) """ ignore_chirp1 = True if not 'ignore_chirp1' in kwargs else kwargs['ignore_chirp1'] # there must be high levels of reflection/scattering in this region to produce ghost echos RG_MIN_, RG_MAX_ = 0.0, 500.0 # range interval mask = data <= 0.0 reflectivity_thresh = 0.0 if not 'Z_thresh' in kwargs else kwargs['Z_thresh'] # check the if high signal occurred in 0m - 500m altitude (indicator for speckle ghost echos above) dBZ_max = np.max(data[:, argnearest(rg, RG_MIN_):argnearest(rg, RG_MAX_), :], axis=2) ts_to_mask = np.any(dBZ_max >= z2lin(reflectivity_thresh), axis=1) signal_min = z2lin(dBZ_thresh) n_vel = data.shape[2] for iC in range(len(vel)): if iC < 1 and ignore_chirp1: continue # exclude first chirp because ghost is hidden under real signal anyway idx_max_vel_new = argnearest(vel[iC], vel[iC][-1] - reduce_by) for iV in range(n_vel - idx_max_vel_new): mask[ts_to_mask, offset[iC]:offset[iC + 1], iV] = data[ts_to_mask, offset[iC]:offset[iC + 1], iV] < signal_min for iV in range(idx_max_vel_new, n_vel): mask[ts_to_mask, offset[iC]:offset[iC + 1], iV] = data[ts_to_mask, offset[iC]:offset[iC + 1], iV] < signal_min return mask
[docs]def filter_ghost_2(data, rg, SL, first_offset, dBZ_thresh=-5.0, reduce_by=10.0): """This function is used to remove curtain-like ghost echoes from the first chirp of RPG FMCW 94GHz cloud radar spectra. Args: data (numpy.array): cloud radar Doppler spectra, dimensions: (time, range, velocity), unit: [mm6 mm-3 m s-1] rg (numpy.array): range values, unit [m] SL (numpy.array): sensitivity limit, dimension: (time, range), unit: [mm6 mm-3] first_offset (integer): range index where the first chirp change takes place dBZ_thresh (float): minimum threshold in [dBZ], where ghost echos can be assumed reduce_by (float): reduce the sensitivity limit by this amount of [dBZ] Returns: mask (numpy.array, bool): where True = fill_value, and False = signal, dimensions: (time, range, velocity) """ # there must be high levels of reflection/scattering in this region to produce ghost echos RG_MIN_, RG_MAX_ = 1500.0, 6000.0 # range interval mask = data <= 0.0 # check the if high signal occurred in 1500m - 4500m altitude (indicator for curtain like ghost echo) dBZ_max = np.max(data[:, argnearest(rg, RG_MIN_):argnearest(rg, RG_MAX_), :], axis=2) ts_to_mask = np.any(dBZ_max >= z2lin(dBZ_thresh), axis=1) sens_lim = SL * reduce_by for iT, mask_iT in enumerate(ts_to_mask): if mask_iT: for iV in range(data.shape[2]): mask[iT, :first_offset, iV] = data[iT, :first_offset, iV] < sens_lim[iT, :first_offset] return mask
def split_by_compression_status(var, mask): indices = np.nonzero(mask[1:] != mask[:-1])[0] + 1 split_int = np.split(var, indices) return split_int[0::2] if mask[0] else split_int[1::2]
[docs]def spectra2moments(ZSpec, paraminfo, **kwargs): """ This routine calculates the radar moments: reflectivity, mean Doppler velocity, spectrum width, skewness and kurtosis from the level 0 spectrum files of the 94 GHz RPG cloud radar. Args: ZSpec (dict): list containing the dicts for each chrip of RPG-FMCW Doppler cloud radar paraminfo (dict): information from params_[campaign].toml for the system LIMRAD94 Returns: container_dict (dict): dictionary of larda containers, including larda container for Ze, VEL, sw, skew, kurt """ # initialize variables: n_ts, n_rg, n_vel = ZSpec['VHSpec']['var'].shape n_chirps = ZSpec['n_ch'] Z = np.full((n_ts, n_rg), np.nan) V = np.full((n_ts, n_rg), np.nan) SW = np.full((n_ts, n_rg), np.nan) SK = np.full((n_ts, n_rg), np.nan) K = np.full((n_ts, n_rg), np.nan) spec_lin = ZSpec['VHSpec']['var'].copy() mask = spec_lin <= 0.0 spec_lin[mask] = 0.0 # combine the mask for "contains signal" with "signal has more than 1 spectral line" mask1 = np.all(mask, axis=2) mask2 = ZSpec['edges'][:, :, 1] - ZSpec['edges'][:, :, 0] <= 0 mask3 = ZSpec['edges'][:, :, 1] - ZSpec['edges'][:, :, 0] >= n_vel mask = mask1 * mask2 * mask3 for iC in range(n_chirps): tstart = time.time() for iR in range(ZSpec['rg_offsets'][iC], ZSpec['rg_offsets'][iC + 1]): # range dimension for iT in range(n_ts): # time dimension if mask[iT, iR]: continue lb, rb = ZSpec['edges'][iT, iR, :] Z[iT, iR], V[iT, iR], SW[iT, iR], SK[iT, iR], K[iT, iR] = \ radar_moment_calculation(spec_lin[iT, iR, lb:rb], ZSpec['vel'][iC][lb:rb], ZSpec['DoppRes'][iC])'Chirp {iC + 1} Moments Calculated, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]') moments = {'Ze': Z, 'VEL': V, 'sw': SW, 'skew': SK, 'kurt': K} # create the mask where invalid values have been encountered invalid_mask = np.full((ZSpec['VHSpec']['var'].shape[:2]), True) invalid_mask[np.where(Z > 0.0)] = False # despeckle the moments if 'despeckle' in kwargs and kwargs['despeckle']: tstart = time.time() # copy and convert from bool to 0 and 1, remove a pixel if more than 20 neighbours are invalid (5x5 grid) new_mask = despeckle(invalid_mask, 80.) invalid_mask[new_mask] = True'Despeckle done, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]') # mask invalid values with fill_value = -999.0 for mom in moments.keys(): moments[mom][invalid_mask] = -999.0 # build larda containers from calculated moments container_dict = {mom: make_container_from_spectra([ZSpec], moments[mom], paraminfo[mom], invalid_mask, 'VHSpec') for mom in moments.keys()} return container_dict
[docs]def heave_correction(moments, date, path_to_seapath="/projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/RV-METEOR_DSHIP", mean_hr=True, only_heave=False, use_cross_product=True, transform_to_earth=True, add=False): """Correct mean Doppler velocity for heave motion of ship (RV-Meteor) Calculate heave rate from seapath measurements and create heave correction array. If Doppler velocity is given as an input, correct it and return an array with the corrected Doppler velocities. Without Doppler Velocity input, only the heave correction array is returned. Args: moments: LIMRAD94 moments container as returned by spectra2moments in, C1/2/3_Range, SeqIntTime and Inc_ElA (for time (ts)) from LV1 file date (datetime.datetime): object with date of current file path_to_seapath (string): path where seapath measurement files (daily dat files) are stored mean_hr (bool): whether to use the mean heave rate over the SeqIntTime or the heave rate at the start time of the chirp only_heave (bool): whether to use only heave to calculate the heave rate or include pitch and roll induced heave use_cross_product (bool): whether to use the cross product like Hannes Griesche transform_to_earth (bool): transform cross product to earth coordinate system as described in add (bool): whether to add the heave rate or subtract it Returns: A number of variables - **new_vel** (*ndarray*); corrected Doppler velocities, same shape as moments["VEL"]["var"] or list if no Doppler Velocity is given; - **heave_corr** (*ndarray*): heave rate closest to each radar timestep for each height bin, same shape as moments["VEL"]["var"]; - **seapath_out** (*pd.DataFrame*): data frame with all heave information from the closest time steps to the chirps """ #################################################################################################################### # Data Read in #################################################################################################################### start = time.time()"Starting heave correction for {date:%Y-%m-%d}") seapath = read_seapath(date, path_to_seapath) #################################################################################################################### # Calculating Heave Rate #################################################################################################################### seapath = calc_heave_rate(seapath, only_heave=only_heave, use_cross_product=use_cross_product, transform_to_earth=transform_to_earth) #################################################################################################################### # Calculating heave correction array and add to Doppler velocity #################################################################################################################### # make input container to calc_heave_corr function container = {'C1Range': moments['C1Range'], 'C2Range': moments['C2Range'], 'C3Range': moments['C3Range'], 'SeqIntTime': moments['SeqIntTime'], 'ts': moments['Inc_ElA']['ts']} heave_corr, seapath_out = calc_heave_corr(container, date, seapath, mean_hr=mean_hr) try: if add: # create new Doppler velocity by adding the heave rate of the closest time step new_vel = moments['VEL']['var'] + heave_corr elif not add: # create new Doppler velocity by subtracting the heave rate of the closest time step new_vel = moments['VEL']['var'] - heave_corr # set masked values back to -999 because they also get corrected new_vel[moments['VEL']['mask']] = -999"Done with heave corrections in {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds") return new_vel, heave_corr, seapath_out except KeyError:"No input Velocities found! Cannot correct Doppler Velocity.\n Returning only heave_corr array!")"Done with heave correction calculation only in {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds") new_vel = ["I'm an empty list!"] # create an empty list to return the same number of variables return new_vel, heave_corr, seapath_out
[docs]def heave_correction_spectra(data, date, path_to_seapath="/projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/RV-METEOR_DSHIP", mean_hr=True, only_heave=False, use_cross_product=True, transform_to_earth=True, add=False, **kwargs): """Shift Doppler spectra to correct for heave motion of ship (RV-Meteor) Calculate heave rate from seapath measurements and create heave correction array. Translate the heave correction to a number spectra bins by which to move each spectra. If Spectra are given, shift them and return a 3D array with the shifted spectra. Without spectra input, only the heave correction array and the array with the number if bins to move is returned. Args: data: LIMRAD94 data container filled with spectra and C1/2/3_Range, SeqIntTime, MaxVel, DoppLen from LV1 file; for Claudia's version the mean Doppler velocity is also needed date (datetime.datetime): object with date of current file path_to_seapath (string): path where seapath measurement files (daily dat files) are stored mean_hr (bool): whether to use the mean heave rate over the SeqIntTime or the heave rate at the start time of the chirp only_heave (bool): whether to use only heave to calculate the heave rate or include pitch and roll induced heave use_cross_product (bool): whether to use the cross product like Hannes Griesche transform_to_earth (bool): transform cross product to earth coordinate system as described in add (bool): whether to add the heave rate or subtract it **kwargs: shift (int): number of time steps to shift seapath data version (str): which version to use, 'ca' or 'jr' Returns: A number of variables - **new_spectra** (*ndarray*); corrected Doppler velocities, same shape as data["VHSpec"]["var"] or list if no Doppler Spectra are given; - **heave_corr** (*ndarray*): heave rate closest to each radar timestep for each height bin, shape = (time x range); - **seapath_out** (*pd.DataFrame*): data frame with all heave information from the closest time steps to the chirps """ # unpack kwargs version = kwargs['version'] if 'version' in kwargs else 'jr' shift = kwargs['shift'] if 'shift' in kwargs else 0 #################################################################################################################### # Data Read in #################################################################################################################### start = time.time()"Starting heave correction for {date:%Y-%m-%d}") if version == 'ca': seapath = read_seapath(date, path_to_seapath, output_format='xarray') seapath = f_shiftTimeDataset(seapath) elif version == 'jr': seapath = read_seapath(date, path_to_seapath) #################################################################################################################### # Calculating Heave Rate #################################################################################################################### if version == 'ca': seapath = calc_heave_rate_claudia(seapath) elif version == 'jr': seapath = calc_heave_rate(seapath, only_heave=only_heave, use_cross_product=use_cross_product, transform_to_earth=transform_to_earth) #################################################################################################################### # Calculate time shift between radar and ship and shift radar time or seapath time depending on version #################################################################################################################### chirp_ts = calc_chirp_timestamps(data['VHSpec']['ts'], date, version='center') rg_borders = get_range_bin_borders(3, data) # transform bin boundaries, necessary because python starts counting at 0 rg_borders_id = rg_borders - np.array([0, 1, 1, 1]) # setting the length of the mean doppler velocity time series for calculating time shift n_ts_run = * 60 / 1.5) # 10 minutes with time res of 1.5 s if version == 'ca': # here seapath is a xarray DataSet seapath = seapath.dropna('time_shifted') # drop nans for interpolation seapath_time = seapath['time_shifted'].values.astype(float) / 10 ** 9 # get nan free time in seconds elif version == 'jr': # here seapath is a pandas DataFrame seapath = seapath.dropna() seapath_time = seapath.index.values.astype(float) / 10 ** 9 # get nan free time in seconds # prepare interpolation function for angular velocity Cs = CubicSpline(seapath_time, seapath['heave_rate_radar']) plot_path = f'/projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/LIMRAD94/cloudnet_input_heave_cor_{version}/time_shift_plots' delta_t_min = -3. # minimum time shift delta_t_max = 3. # maximum time shift # find a 10 minute mdv time series in every hour of radar data and for each chirp if possible # calculate time shift for each hour and each chirp chirp_ts_shifted, time_shift_array = calc_shifted_chirp_timestamps(data['mdv']['ts'], data['mdv']['var'], chirp_ts, rg_borders_id, n_ts_run, Cs, no_chirps=3, pathFig=plot_path, delta_t_min=delta_t_min, delta_t_max=delta_t_max, date=date, plot_fig=True) if shift != 0: seapath = shift_seapath(seapath, shift) else: logger.debug(f"Shift is {shift}! Seapath data is not shifted!") #################################################################################################################### # Calculating heave correction array and translate to number of Doppler bin shifts #################################################################################################################### if version == 'ca': # calculate the correction matrix heave_corr = calc_corr_matrix_claudia(data['mdv']['ts'], data['mdv']['rg'], rg_borders_id, chirp_ts_shifted, Cs) seapath_out = seapath elif version == 'jr': # make input container for calc_heave_corr function container = {'C1Range': data['C1Range'], 'C2Range': data['C2Range'], 'C3Range': data['C3Range'], 'SeqIntTime': data['SeqIntTime'], 'ts': data['VHSpec']['ts'], 'MaxVel': data['MaxVel'], 'DoppLen': data["DoppLen"]} heave_corr, seapath_out = calc_heave_corr(container, chirp_ts_shifted, seapath, mean_hr=mean_hr) no_chirps = len(data['DoppLen']) range_bins = get_range_bin_borders(no_chirps, data) doppler_res = calc_dopp_res(data['MaxVel'], data['DoppLen'], no_chirps, range_bins) n_dopp_bins_shift, heave_corr = heave_rate_to_spectra_bins(heave_corr, doppler_res) #################################################################################################################### # Shifting spectra and writing to new 3D array #################################################################################################################### try: # correct spectra for heave rate by moving it by the corresponding number of Doppler bins spectra = data['VHSpec']['var'] new_spectra = np.empty_like(spectra) for iT in range(data['n_ts']): # loop through time steps for iR in range(data['n_rg']): # loop through range gates # TODO: check if mask is True and skip, although masked shifted spectra do not introduce any error, # this might speed up things... try: shift = int(n_dopp_bins_shift[iT, iR]) except ValueError: logger.debug(f"shift at [{iT}, {iR}] is NaN, set to zero") shift = 0 spectrum = spectra[iT, iR, :] if add: new_spec = np.roll(spectrum, shift) elif not add: new_spec = np.roll(spectrum, -shift) new_spectra[iT, iR, :] = new_spec"Done with heave corrections in {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds") return new_spectra, heave_corr, n_dopp_bins_shift, seapath_out, time_shift_array except KeyError:"No input spectra found! Cannot shift spectra.\n Returning only heave_corr and n_dopp_bins_shift array!")"Done with heave correction calculation only in {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds") new_spectra = ["I'm an empty list!"] # create an empty list to return the same number of variables return new_spectra, heave_corr, n_dopp_bins_shift, seapath_out, time_shift_array
[docs]def read_seapath(date, path="/projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/RV-METEOR_DSHIP", **kwargs): """ Read in daily Seapath measurements from RV Meteor from .dat files to a pandas.DataFrame Args: date (datetime.datetime): object with date of current file path (str): path to seapath files kwargs for read_csv output_format (str): whether a pandas data frame or a xarray dataset is returned Returns: seapath (DataFrame): DataFrame with Seapath measurements """ # Seapath attitude and heave data 1 or 10 Hz, choose file depending on date start = time.time() # unpack kwargs nrows = kwargs['nrows'] if 'nrows' in kwargs else None skiprows = kwargs['skiprows'] if 'skiprows' in kwargs else (1, 2) output_format = kwargs['output_format'] if 'output_format' in kwargs else 'pandas' if date < datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 27): file = f"{date:%Y%m%d}_DSHIP_seapath_1Hz.dat" else: file = f"{date:%Y%m%d}_DSHIP_seapath_10Hz.dat" # set encoding and separator, skip the rows with the unit and type of measurement seapath = pd.read_csv(f"{path}/{file}", encoding='windows-1252', sep="\t", skiprows=skiprows, na_values=-999.00, index_col='date time', nrows=nrows) # transform index to datetime seapath.index = pd.to_datetime(seapath.index, infer_datetime_format=True) = 'time' seapath.columns = ['yaw', 'heave', 'pitch', 'roll'] # rename columns"Done reading in Seapath data in {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds") if output_format == 'pandas': pass elif output_format == 'xarray': seapath = seapath.to_xarray() return seapath
[docs]def read_dship(date, **kwargs): """Read in 1 Hz DSHIP data and return pandas DataFrame Args: date (str): yyyymmdd (eg. 20200210) **kwargs: kwargs for pd.read_csv (not all implemented) Returns: pd.DataFrame with 1 Hz DSHIP data """ tstart = time.time() path = kwargs['path'] if 'path' in kwargs else "/projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/RV-METEOR_DSHIP" skiprows = kwargs['skiprows'] if 'skiprows' in kwargs else (1, 2) nrows = kwargs['nrows'] if 'nrows' in kwargs else None cols = kwargs['cols'] if 'cols' in kwargs else None # always keep the 0th column (datetime column) file = f"{path}/RV-Meteor_DSHIP_all_1Hz_{date}.dat" # set encoding and separator, skip the rows with the unit and type of measurement, set index column df = pd.read_csv(file, encoding='windows-1252', sep="\t", skiprows=skiprows, index_col='date time', nrows=nrows, usecols=cols) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, infer_datetime_format=True)"Done reading in DSHIP data in {time.time() - tstart:.2f} seconds") return df
[docs]def f_shiftTimeDataset(dataset): """ author: Claudia Acquistapace date: 25 november 2020 goal : function to shift time variable of the dataset to the central value of the time interval of the time step input: dataset: xarray dataset output: dataset: xarray dataset with the time coordinate shifted added to the coordinates and the variables now referring to the shifted time array """ # reading time array time = dataset['time'].values # calculating deltaT using consecutive time stamps deltaT = time[2] - time[1] # print('delta T for the selected dataset: ', deltaT) # defining additional coordinate to the dataset dataset.coords['time_shifted'] = dataset['time'] + 0.5 * deltaT # exchanging coordinates in the dataset datasetNew = dataset.swap_dims({'time': 'time_shifted'}) return (datasetNew)
[docs]def calc_heave_rate(seapath, x_radar=-11, y_radar=4.07, z_radar=15.8, only_heave=False, use_cross_product=True, transform_to_earth=True): """ Calculate heave rate at a certain location of a ship with the measurements of the INS Args: seapath (pd.DataFrame): Data frame with heading, roll, pitch and heave as columns x_radar (float): x position of location with respect to INS in meters y_radar (float): y position of location with respect to INS in meters z_radar (float): z position of location with respect to INS in meters only_heave (bool): whether to use only heave to calculate the heave rate or include pitch and roll induced heave use_cross_product (bool): whether to use the cross product like Hannes Griesche transform_to_earth (bool): transform cross product to earth coordinate system as described in Returns: seapath (pd.DataFrame): Data frame as input with additional columns radar_heave, pitch_heave, roll_heave and "heave_rate" """ t1 = time.time()"Calculating Heave Rate...") # angles in radians pitch = np.deg2rad(seapath["pitch"]) roll = np.deg2rad(seapath["roll"]) yaw = np.deg2rad(seapath["yaw"]) # time delta between two time steps in seconds d_t = np.ediff1d(seapath.index).astype('float64') / 1e9 if not use_cross_product:"using a simple geometric approach") if not only_heave:"using also the roll and pitch induced heave") pitch_heave = x_radar * np.tan(pitch) roll_heave = y_radar * np.tan(roll) elif only_heave:"using only the ships heave") pitch_heave = 0 roll_heave = 0 # sum up heave, pitch induced and roll induced heave seapath["radar_heave"] = seapath["heave"] + pitch_heave + roll_heave # add pitch and roll induced heave to data frame to include in output for quality checking seapath["pitch_heave"] = pitch_heave seapath["roll_heave"] = roll_heave # ediff1d calculates the difference between consecutive elements of an array # heave difference / time difference = heave rate heave_rate = np.ediff1d(seapath["radar_heave"]) / d_t else:"Using the cross product approach from Hannes Griesche") # change of angles with time d_roll = np.ediff1d(roll) / d_t # phi d_pitch = np.ediff1d(pitch) / d_t # theta d_yaw = np.ediff1d(yaw) / d_t # psi seapath_heave_rate = np.ediff1d(seapath["heave"]) / d_t # heave rate at seapath pos_radar = np.array([x_radar, y_radar, z_radar]) # position of radar as a vector ang_rate = np.array([d_roll, d_pitch, d_yaw]).T # angle velocity as a matrix pos_radar_exp = np.tile(pos_radar, (ang_rate.shape[0], 1)) # expand to shape of ang_rate cross_prod = np.cross(ang_rate, pos_radar_exp) # calculate cross product if transform_to_earth:"Transform into Earth Coordinate System") phi, theta, psi = roll, pitch, yaw a1 = np.cos(theta) * np.cos(psi) a2 = -1 * np.cos(phi) * np.sin(psi) + np.sin(theta) * np.cos(psi) * np.sin(phi) a3 = np.sin(phi) * np.sin(psi) + np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(psi) b1 = np.cos(theta) * np.sin(psi) b2 = np.cos(phi) * np.cos(psi) + np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(psi) b3 = -1 * np.cos(psi) * np.sin(phi) + np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(psi) c1 = -1 * np.sin(theta) c2 = np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi) c3 = np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi) Q_T = np.array([[a1, a2, a3], [b1, b2, b3], [c1, c2, c3]]) # remove first entry of Q_T to match dimension of cross_prod Q_T = Q_T[:, :, 1:] cross_prod = np.einsum('ijk,kj->kj', Q_T, cross_prod) heave_rate = seapath_heave_rate + cross_prod[:, 2] # calculate heave rate # add heave rate to seapath data frame # the first calculated heave rate corresponds to the second time step heave_rate = pd.DataFrame({'heave_rate_radar': heave_rate}, index=seapath.index[1:]) seapath = seapath.join(heave_rate)"Done with heave rate calculation in {time.time() - t1:.2f} seconds") return seapath
[docs]def f_calcRMatrix(rollShipArr, pitchShipArr, yawShipArr, NtimeShip): """ author: Claudia Acquistapace date : 27/10/2020 goal: function to calculate R matrix given roll, pitch, yaw input: rollShipArr: roll array in degrees pitchShipArr: pitch array in degrees yawShipArr: yaw array in degrees NtimeShip: dimension of time array for the definition of R_inv as [3,3,dimTime] output: R[3,3,Dimtime]: array of rotational matrices, one for each time stamp """ # calculation of the rotational matrix for each time stamp of the ship data for the day cosTheta = np.cos(np.deg2rad(rollShipArr)) senTheta = np.sin(np.deg2rad(rollShipArr)) cosPhi = np.cos(np.deg2rad(pitchShipArr)) senPhi = np.sin(np.deg2rad(pitchShipArr)) cosPsi = np.cos(np.deg2rad(yawShipArr)) senPsi = np.sin(np.deg2rad(yawShipArr)) R = np.zeros([3, 3, NtimeShip]) A = np.zeros([3, 3, NtimeShip]) B = np.zeros([3, 3, NtimeShip]) C = np.zeros([3, 3, NtimeShip]) R.fill(np.nan) A.fill(0.) B.fill(0.) C.fill(0.) # indexing for the matrices # [0,0] [0,1] [0,2] # [1,0] [1,1] [1,2] # [2,0] [2,1] [2,2] A[0, 0, :] = 1 A[1, 1, :] = cosTheta A[1, 2, :] = -senTheta A[2, 1, :] = senTheta A[2, 2, :] = cosTheta B[0, 0, :] = cosPhi B[1, 1, :] = 1 B[2, 2, :] = cosPhi B[0, 2, :] = senPhi B[2, 0, :] = -senPhi C[0, 0, :] = cosPsi C[0, 1, :] = -senPsi C[2, 2, :] = 1 C[1, 0, :] = senPsi C[1, 1, :] = cosPsi # calculation of the rotation matrix A = np.moveaxis(A, 2, 0) B = np.moveaxis(B, 2, 0) C = np.moveaxis(C, 2, 0) R = np.matmul(C, np.matmul(B, A)) R = np.moveaxis(R, 0, 2) return R
[docs]def calc_heave_rate_claudia(data, x_radar=-11, y_radar=4.07, z_radar=-15.8): """Calculate heave rate at a certain location on a ship according to Claudia Acquistapace's approach Args: data (xr.DataSet): Data Set with heading, roll, pitch and heave as columns x_radar (float): x position of location with respect to INS in meters y_radar (float): y position of location with respect to INS in meters z_radar (float): z position of location with respect to INS in meters Returns: xr.DataSet with additional variable heave_rate """ r_radar = [x_radar, y_radar, z_radar] # calculation of w_ship heave = data['heave'].values timeShip = data['time_shifted'].values.astype('float64') / 10 ** 9 w_ship = np.diff(heave, prepend=np.nan) / np.diff(timeShip, prepend=np.nan) # calculating rotational terms roll = data['roll'].values pitch = data['pitch'].values yaw = data['yaw'].values NtimeShip = len(timeShip) r_ship = np.zeros((3, NtimeShip)) # calculate the position of the radar on the ship r_ship: R = f_calcRMatrix(roll, pitch, yaw, NtimeShip) for i in range(NtimeShip): r_ship[:, i] =[:, :, i], r_radar) # calculating vertical component of the velocity of the radar on the ship (v_rot) w_rot = np.diff(r_ship[2, :], prepend=np.nan) / np.diff(timeShip, prepend=np.nan) # calculating total ship velocity at radar heave_rate = w_rot + w_ship data['w_rot'] = (('time_shifted'), w_rot) data['heave_rate'] = (('time_shifted'), w_ship) data['heave_rate_radar'] = (('time_shifted',), heave_rate) return data
[docs]def find_mdv_time_series(mdv_values, radar_time, n_ts_run): """ author: Claudia Acquistapace, Johannes Roettenbacher Identify, given a mean doppler velocity matrix, a sequence of length n_ts_run of values in the matrix at a given height that contains the minimum possible amount of nan values in it. Args: mdv_values (ndarray): time x heigth matrix of Doppler Velocity radar_time (ndarray): corresponding radar time stamps in seconds (unix time) n_ts_run (int): number of timestamps needed in a mdv series Returns: valuesTimeSerie (ndarray): time series of Doppler velocity with length n_ts_run time_series (ndarray): corresponding time stamps to Doppler velocity time series i_height_sel (int): index of chosen height valuesColumnMean (ndarray): time series of mean Doppler velocity averaged over height with length n_ts_run """ # concept: scan the matrix using running mean for every height, and check the number of nans in the selected serie. nanAmountMatrix = np.zeros((mdv_values.shape[0] - n_ts_run, mdv_values.shape[1])) nanAmountMatrix.fill(np.nan) for indtime in range(mdv_values.shape[0] - n_ts_run): mdvChunk = mdv_values[indtime:indtime + n_ts_run, :] # count number of nans in each height nanAmountMatrix[indtime, :] = np.sum(np.isnan(mdvChunk), axis=0) # find indeces where nanAmount is minimal ntuples = np.where(nanAmountMatrix == np.nanmin(nanAmountMatrix)) i_time_sel = ntuples[0][0] i_height_sel = ntuples[1][0] # extract corresponding time series of mean Doppler velocity values for the chirp valuesTimeSerie = mdv_values[i_time_sel:i_time_sel + n_ts_run, i_height_sel] time_series = radar_time[i_time_sel:i_time_sel + n_ts_run] ###### adding test for columns ######## valuesColumn = mdv_values[i_time_sel:i_time_sel + n_ts_run, :] valuesColumnMean = np.nanmean(valuesColumn, axis=1) return valuesTimeSerie, time_series, i_height_sel, valuesColumnMean
[docs]def calc_time_shift(w_radar_meanCol, delta_t_min, delta_t_max, resolution, w_ship_chirp, timeSerieRadar, pathFig, chirp, hour, date): """ author: Claudia Acquistapace, Jan. H. Schween, Johannes Roettenbacher goal: calculate and estimation of the time lag between the radar time stamps and the ship time stamp NOTE: adding or subtracting the obtained time shift depends on what you did during the calculation of the covariances: if you added/subtracted time _shift to t_radar you have to do the same for the 'exact time' Here is the time shift analysis as plot: <ww> is short for <w'_ship*w'_radar> i.e. covariance between vertical speeds from ship movements and radar its maximum gives an estimate for optimal agreement in vertical velocities of ship and radar <Delta w^2> is short for <(w[i]-w[i-1])^2> where w = w_rad - 2*w_ship - this is a measure for the stripeness. Its minimum gives an estimate how to get the smoothest w data Args: w_radar_meanCol (ndarray): time series of mean Doppler velocity averaged over height with no nan values delta_t_min (float): minimum time shift delta_t_max (float): maximum time shift resolution (float): time step by which to increment possible time shift w_ship_chirp (ndarray): vertical velocity of the radar at the exact chirp time step timeSerieRadar (ndarray): time stamps of the mean Doppler velocity time series (w_radar_meanCol) pathFig (str): file path where figures should be stored chirp (int): which chirp is being processed hour (int): which hour of the day is being processed (0-23) date (datetime): which day is being processed Returns: time shift between radar data and ship data in seconds, quicklooks for each calculation """ fontSizeTitle = 12 fontSizeX = 12 fontSizeY = 12 plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) # calculating variation for w_radar w_prime_radar = w_radar_meanCol - np.nanmean(w_radar_meanCol) # calculating covariance between w-ship and w_radar where w_ship is shifted for each deltaT given by DeltaTimeShift DeltaTimeShift = np.arange(delta_t_min, delta_t_max, step=resolution) cov_ww = np.zeros(len(DeltaTimeShift)) deltaW_ship = np.zeros(len(DeltaTimeShift)) for i in range(len(DeltaTimeShift)): # calculate w_ship interpolating it on the new time array (timeShip+deltatimeShift(i)) T_corr = timeSerieRadar + DeltaTimeShift[i] # interpolating w_ship on the shifted time series cs_ship = CubicSpline(timeSerieRadar, w_ship_chirp) w_ship_shifted = cs_ship(T_corr) # calculating w_prime_ship with the new interpolated series w_ship_prime = w_ship_shifted - np.nanmean(w_ship_shifted) # calculating covariance of the prime series cov_ww[i] = np.nanmean(w_ship_prime * w_prime_radar) # calculating sharpness deltaW_ship w_corrected = w_radar_meanCol - w_ship_shifted delta_w = (np.ediff1d(w_corrected)) ** 2 deltaW_ship[i] = np.nanmean(delta_w) # calculating max of covariance and min of deltaW_ship minDeltaW = np.nanmin(deltaW_ship) indMin = np.where(deltaW_ship == minDeltaW)[0][0] maxCov_w = np.nanmax(cov_ww) indMax = np.where(cov_ww == maxCov_w)[0][0] try:'Time shift found for chirp {chirp} at hour {hour}: {DeltaTimeShift[indMin]}') # calculating time shift for radar data timeShift_chirp = DeltaTimeShift[indMin] # if time shift is equal delta_t_min it's probably false -> set it to 0 if np.abs(timeShift_chirp) == np.abs(delta_t_min): timeShift_chirp = 0 # plot results fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 6)) fig.tight_layout() ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() ax.plot(DeltaTimeShift, cov_ww, color='red', linestyle=':', label='cov_ww') ax.axvline(x=DeltaTimeShift[indMax], color='red', linestyle=':', label='max cov_w') ax.plot(DeltaTimeShift, deltaW_ship, color='red', label='Deltaw^2') ax.axvline(x=DeltaTimeShift[indMin], color='red', label='min Deltaw^2') ax.legend(frameon=False) # ax.xaxis_date() ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 2.) # limits of the y-axesn"viridis", 256) ax.set_xlim(delta_t_min, delta_t_max) # limits of the x-axes ax.set_title( f'Covariance and Sharpiness for chirp {chirp}: {date:%Y-%m-%d} hour: {hour}, ' f'time lag found : {DeltaTimeShift[indMin]}', fontsize=fontSizeTitle, loc='left') ax.set_xlabel("Time Shift [seconds]", fontsize=fontSizeX) ax.set_ylabel('w [m s$^{-1}$]', fontsize=fontSizeY) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(f'{pathFig}/{date:%Y%m%d}_timeShiftQuicklook_chirp{chirp}_hour{hour}.png', format='png') plt.close() except IndexError:'Not enough data points for time shift calculation in chirp {chirp} at hour {hour}!') timeShift_chirp = 0 return timeShift_chirp
[docs]def calc_chirp_timestamps(radar_ts, date, version): """ Calculate the exact timestamp for each chirp corresponding with the center or start of the chirp The timestamp in the radar file corresponds to the end of a chirp sequence with an accuracy of 0.1 s Args: radar_ts (ndarray): timestamps of the radar with milliseconds in seconds date (datetime.datetime): date which is being processed version (str): should the timestamp correspond to the 'center' or the 'start' of the chirp Returns: dict with chirp timestamps """ # make lookup table for chirp durations for each chirptable (see projekt1/remsens/hardware/LIMRAD94/chirptables) chirp_durations = pd.DataFrame({"Chirp_No": (1, 2, 3), "tradewindCU": (1.022, 0.947, 0.966), "Doppler1s": (0.239, 0.342, 0.480), "Cu_small_Tint": (0.225, 0.135, 0.181), "Cu_small_Tint2": (0.562, 0.572, 0.453)}) # calculate start time of each chirp by subtracting the duration of the later chirp(s) + the chirp itself # the timestamp then corresponds to the start of the chirp # select chirp durations according to date if date < datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 29, 18, 0, 0): chirp_dur = chirp_durations["tradewindCU"] elif date < datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 30, 15, 3, 0): chirp_dur = chirp_durations["Doppler1s"] elif date < datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 31, 22, 28, 0): chirp_dur = chirp_durations["Cu_small_Tint"] else: chirp_dur = chirp_durations["Cu_small_Tint2"] chirp_timestamps = dict() if version == 'center': chirp_timestamps["chirp_1"] = radar_ts - chirp_dur[0] - chirp_dur[1] - chirp_dur[2] / 2 chirp_timestamps["chirp_2"] = radar_ts - chirp_dur[1] - chirp_dur[2] / 2 chirp_timestamps["chirp_3"] = radar_ts - chirp_dur[2] / 2 else: chirp_timestamps["chirp_1"] = radar_ts - chirp_dur[0] - chirp_dur[1] - chirp_dur[2] chirp_timestamps["chirp_2"] = radar_ts - chirp_dur[1] - chirp_dur[2] chirp_timestamps["chirp_3"] = radar_ts - chirp_dur[2] return chirp_timestamps
[docs]def calc_shifted_chirp_timestamps(radar_ts, radar_mdv, chirp_ts, rg_borders_id, n_ts_run, Cs_w_radar, **kwargs): """ Calculates the time shift between each chirp time stamp and the ship time stamp for every hour and every chirp. Args: radar_ts (ndarray): radar time stamps in seconds (unix time) radar_mdv (ndarray): time x height matrix of mean Doppler velocity from radar chirp_ts (ndarray): exact chirp time stamps rg_borders_id (ndarray): indices of chirp boundaries n_ts_run (int): number of time steps necessary for mean Doppler velocity time series Cs_w_radar (scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline): function of vertical velocity of radar against time **kwargs: no_chirps (int): number of chirps in radar measurement plot_fig (bool): plot quicklook Returns: time shifted chirp time stamps, array with time shifts for each chirp and hour """ no_chirps = kwargs['no_chirps'] if 'no_chirps' in kwargs else 3 delta_t_min = kwargs['delta_t_min'] if 'delta_t_min' in kwargs else radar_ts[0] - radar_ts[1] delta_t_max = kwargs['delta_t_max'] if 'delta_t_max' in kwargs else radar_ts[1] - radar_ts[0] resolution = kwargs['resolution'] if 'resolution' in kwargs else 0.05 pathFig = kwargs['pathFig'] if 'pathFig' in kwargs else "./tmp" date = kwargs['date'] if 'date' in kwargs else pd.to_datetime(radar_ts[0], unit='s') plot_fig = kwargs['plot_fig'] if 'plot_fig' in kwargs else False time_shift_array = np.zeros((len(radar_ts), no_chirps)) chirp_ts_shifted = chirp_ts # get total hours in data and then loop through each hour hours =[0] * np.mean(np.diff(radar_ts)) / 60 / 60)) idx = / hours)) for i in range(hours): start_idx = i * idx if i < hours-1: end_idx = (i + 1) * idx else: end_idx = time_shift_array.shape[0] for j in range(no_chirps): # set time and range slice ts_slice, rg_slice = slice(start_idx, end_idx), slice(rg_borders_id[j], rg_borders_id[j + 1]) mdv_slice = radar_mdv[ts_slice, rg_slice] time_slice = chirp_ts[f'chirp_{j + 1}'][ ts_slice] # select the corresponding exact chirp time for the mdv slice mdv_series, time_mdv_series, height_id, mdv_mean_col = find_mdv_time_series(mdv_slice, time_slice, n_ts_run) # selecting w_radar values of the chirp over the same time interval as the mdv_series w_radar_chirpSel = Cs_w_radar(time_mdv_series) # calculating time shift for the chirp and hour if at least n_ts_run measurements are available if np.sum(~np.isnan(mdv_mean_col)) == n_ts_run: time_shift_array[ts_slice, j] = calc_time_shift(mdv_mean_col, delta_t_min, delta_t_max, resolution, w_radar_chirpSel, time_mdv_series, pathFig, j + 1, i, date) # recalculate exact chirp time including time shift due to lag chirp_ts_shifted[f'chirp_{j + 1}'][ts_slice] = chirp_ts[f'chirp_{j + 1}'][ts_slice] - time_shift_array[ ts_slice, j] # get w_radar at the time shifted exact chirp time stamps w_radar_exact = Cs_w_radar(chirp_ts_shifted[f'chirp_{j + 1}'][ts_slice]) if plot_fig: # plot mdv time series and shifted radar heave rate ts_idx = [argnearest(chirp_ts_shifted[f'chirp_{j + 1}'][ts_slice], t) for t in time_mdv_series] plot_time = pd.to_datetime(time_mdv_series, unit='s') plot_df = pd.DataFrame(dict(time=plot_time, mdv_mean_col=mdv_mean_col, w_radar_org=Cs_w_radar(time_mdv_series), w_radar_chirpSel=w_radar_chirpSel, w_radar_exact_shifted=w_radar_exact[ts_idx])).set_index('time') fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax.plot(plot_df['mdv_mean_col'], color='red', label='mean mdv over column at original radar time') ax.plot(plot_df['w_radar_org'], color='blue', linewidth=0.2, label='w_radar at original radar time') ax.plot(plot_df['w_radar_chirpSel'], color='blue', label='w_radar at original chirp time') ax.plot(plot_df['w_radar_exact_shifted'], '.', color='green', label='w_radar shifted') ax.set_ylim(-4., 2.) ax.legend(frameon=False) # limits of the y-axesn"viridis", 256) ax.set_title( f'Velocity for Time Delay Calculations : {date:%Y-%m-%d} shift = {time_shift_array[start_idx, j]}', loc='left') ax.set_xlabel("Time [day hh:mm]") ax.set_ylabel('w [m s$^{-1}$]') ax.xaxis_date() ax.grid() fig.autofmt_xdate() fig.savefig(f'{pathFig}/{date:%Y%m%d}_time-series_mdv_w-radar_chirp{j + 1}_hour{i}.png') plt.close() return chirp_ts_shifted, time_shift_array
[docs]def calc_corr_matrix_claudia(radar_ts, radar_rg, rg_borders_id, chirp_ts_shifted, Cs_w_radar): """ Calculate the correction matrix to correct the mean Doppler velocity for the ship vertical motion. Args: radar_ts (ndarray): original radar time stamps in seconds (unix time) radar_rg (ndarray): radar range gates rg_borders_id (ndarray): indices of chirp boundaries chirp_ts_shifted (dict): hourly shifted chirp time stamps Cs_w_radar (scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline): function of vertical velocity of radar against time Returns: correction matrix for mean Doppler velocity """ no_chirps = len(chirp_ts_shifted) corr_matrix = np.zeros((len(radar_ts), len(radar_rg))) # get total hours in data and then loop through each hour hours =[0] * np.mean(np.diff(radar_ts)) / 60 / 60)) # divide the day in equal hourly slices idx = / hours)) for i in range(hours): start_idx = i * idx if i < hours-1: end_idx = (i + 1) * idx else: end_idx = len(radar_ts) for j in range(no_chirps): # set time and range slice ts_slice, rg_slice = slice(start_idx, end_idx), slice(rg_borders_id[j], rg_borders_id[j + 1]) # get w_radar at the time shifted exact chirp time stamps w_radar_exact = Cs_w_radar(chirp_ts_shifted[f'chirp_{j + 1}'][ts_slice]) # add a dimension to w_radar_exact and repeat it over this dimension (range) to fill the hour and # chirp of the correction array tmp = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(w_radar_exact, 1), rg_borders_id[j + 1] - rg_borders_id[j], axis=1) corr_matrix[ts_slice, rg_slice] = tmp return corr_matrix
[docs]def get_range_bin_borders(no_chirps, container): """get the range bins which correspond to the chirp borders of a FMCW radar Args: no_chirps (int): Number of chirps container (dict): Dictionary with C1/2/3Range variable from LV1 files Returns: ndarray with chirp borders including 0 range_bins """ range_bins = np.zeros(no_chirps + 1, # needs to be length 4 to include all +1 chirp borders for i in range(no_chirps): try: range_bins[i + 1] = range_bins[i] + container[f'C{i + 1}Range']['var'][0].shape except ValueError: # in case only one file is read in data["C1Range"]["var"] has only one dimension range_bins[i + 1] = range_bins[i] + container[f'C{i + 1}Range']['var'].shape return range_bins
[docs]def calc_heave_corr(container, chirp_ts, seapath, mean_hr=True): """Calculate heave correction for mean Doppler velocity Args: container (larda container): LIMRAD94 C1/2/3_Range, SeqIntTime, ts chirp_ts (dict): dictionary with exact radar chirp time stamps seapath (pd.DataFrame): Data frame with heave rate column ("heave_rate_radar") mean_hr (bool): whether to use the mean heave rate over the SeqIntTime or the heave rate at the start time of the chirp Returns: heave_corr (ndarray): heave rate closest to each radar timestep for each height bin, time x range """ start = time.time() #################################################################################################################### # Calculating Timestamps for each chirp #################################################################################################################### # array with range bin numbers of chirp borders no_chirps = len(chirp_ts) range_bins = get_range_bin_borders(no_chirps, container) seapath_ts = seapath.index.values.astype(np.float64) / 10 ** 9 # convert datetime index to seconds since 1970-01-01 total_range_bins = range_bins[-1] # get total number of range bins # initialize output variables heave_corr = np.empty(shape=(container["ts"].shape[0], total_range_bins)) # time x range seapath_out = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(no_chirps): t1 = time.time() # get integration time for chirp int_time = pd.Timedelta(seconds=container['SeqIntTime'][i]) # convert timestamps of moments to array ts = chirp_ts[f"chirp_{i+1}"].data id_diff_mins = [] # initialize list for indices of the time steps with minimum difference means_ls = [] # initialize list for means over integration time for each radar time step for t in ts: id_diff_min = argnearest(seapath_ts, t) # find index of nearest seapath time step to radar time step id_diff_mins.append(id_diff_min) # get time stamp of closest index ts_id_diff_min = seapath.index[id_diff_min] if mean_hr: # select rows from closest time stamp to end of integration time and average, append to list means_ls.append(seapath[ts_id_diff_min:ts_id_diff_min+int_time].mean()) else: means_ls.append(seapath.loc[ts_id_diff_min]) # concatenate all means into one dataframe with the original header (transpose) seapath_closest = pd.concat(means_ls, axis=1).T # add index with closest seapath time step to radar time step seapath_closest.index = seapath.index[id_diff_mins] # check if heave rate is greater than 5 standard deviations away from the daily mean and filter those values # by averaging the step before and after std = np.nanstd(seapath_closest["heave_rate_radar"]) # try to get indices from values which do not pass the filter. If that doesn't work, then there are no values # which don't pass the filter and a ValueError is raised. Write this to a logger try: id_max = np.asarray(np.abs(seapath_closest["heave_rate_radar"]) > 5 * std).nonzero()[0] for j in range(len(id_max)): idc = id_max[j] warnings.warn(f"Heave rate greater 5 * std encountered ({seapath_closest['heave_rate_radar'][idc]})! \n" f"Using average of step before and after. Index: {idc}", UserWarning) avg_hrate = (seapath_closest["heave_rate_radar"][idc - 1] + seapath_closest["heave_rate_radar"][idc + 1]) / 2 if avg_hrate > 5 * std: warnings.warn(f"Heave Rate value greater than 5 * std encountered ({avg_hrate})! \n" f"Even after averaging step before and after too high value! Index: {idc}", UserWarning) seapath_closest["heave_rate_radar"][idc] = avg_hrate except ValueError:"All heave rate values are within 5 standard deviation of the daily mean!") # add column with chirp number to distinguish in quality control seapath_closest["Chirp_no"] = np.repeat(i + 1, len(seapath_closest.index)) # make data frame with used heave rates seapath_out = seapath_out.append(seapath_closest) # create array with same dimensions as velocity (time, range) heave_rate = np.expand_dims(seapath_closest["heave_rate_radar"].values, axis=1) # duplicate the heave correction over the range dimension to add it to all range bins of the chirp shape = range_bins[i + 1] - range_bins[i] heave_corr[:, range_bins[i]:range_bins[i+1]] = heave_rate.repeat(shape, axis=1)"Calculated heave correction for Chirp {i+1} in {time.time() - t1:.2f} seconds")"Done with heave correction calculation in {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds") return heave_corr, seapath_out
[docs]def calc_dopp_res(MaxVel, DoppLen, no_chirps, range_bins): """ Args: MaxVel (ndarray): Unambiguous Doppler velocity (+/-) m/s from LV1 file DoppLen (ndarray): Number of spectral lines in Doppler spectra from LV1 file no_chirps (int): Number of chirps range_bins (ndarray): range bin number of lower chirp borders, starts with 0 Returns: 1D array with Doppler resolution for each height bin """ DoppRes = np.divide(2.0 * MaxVel, DoppLen) dopp_res = np.empty(range_bins[-1]) for ic in range(no_chirps): dopp_res[range_bins[ic]:range_bins[ic + 1]] = DoppRes[ic] return dopp_res
[docs]def heave_rate_to_spectra_bins(heave_corr, doppler_res): """translate the heave correction to Doppler spectra bins Args: heave_corr (ndarray): heave rate closest to each radar timestep for each height bin, time x range doppler_res (ndarray): Doppler resolution of each chirp of LIMRAD94 for whole range 1 x range Returns: ndarray with number of bins to move each Doppler spectrum - **n_dopp_bins_shift** (*ndarray*): of same dimension as heave_corr - **heave_corr** """ start = time.time() # add a dimension to the doppler_res vector doppler_res = np.expand_dims(doppler_res, axis=1) # repeat doppler_res to same time dimension as heave_corr doppler_res = np.repeat(doppler_res.T, heave_corr.shape[0], axis=0) assert doppler_res.shape == heave_corr.shape, f"Arrays have different shape! {doppler_res.shape} " \ f"and {heave_corr.shape}" # calculate number of Doppler bins n_dopp_bins_shift = np.round(heave_corr / doppler_res)"Done with translation of heave corrections to Doppler bins in {time.time() - start:.2f} seconds") return n_dopp_bins_shift, heave_corr
[docs]def shift_seapath(seapath, shift): """Shift seapath values by given shift Args: seapath (pd.Dataframe): Dataframe with heave motion of RV-Meteor shift (int): number of time steps to shift data Returns: shifted Dataframe """ start = time.time()"Shifting seapath data by {shift} time steps.") # get day of seapath data dt = seapath.index[0] # shift seapath data by shift seapath_shifted = seapath.shift(periods=shift) # replace Nans at start with data from the previous day or from following day if shift > 0: dt_previous = dt - datetime.timedelta(1) # get date of previous day skiprows = np.arange(1, len(seapath) - shift + 2) # define rows to skip on read in # read in one more row for heave rate calculation seapath_previous = read_seapath(dt_previous, nrows=shift + 1, skiprows=skiprows) seapath_previous = calc_heave_rate(seapath_previous) seapath_previous = seapath_previous.iloc[1:, :] # remove first row (=nan) # remove index and replace with index from original data frame seapath_previous = seapath_previous.reset_index(drop=True).set_index(seapath_shifted.iloc[0:shift, :].index) seapath_shifted.update(seapath_previous) # overwrite nan values in shifted data frame else: dt_following = dt + datetime.timedelta(1) # get date from following day seapath_following = read_seapath(dt_following, nrows=np.abs(shift)) seapath_following = calc_heave_rate(seapath_following) # overwrite nan values # leaves in one NaN value because the heave rate of the first time step of a day cannot be calculated # one nan is better than many (shift) though, so this is alright seapath_following = seapath_following.reset_index(drop=True).set_index(seapath_shifted.iloc[shift:, :].index) seapath_shifted.update(seapath_following) # overwrite nan values in shifted data frame"Done with shifting seapath data, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - start)} [min:sec]") return seapath_shifted
[docs]def find_closest_timesteps(df, ts): """Find closest time steps in a dataframe to a time series Args: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with DatetimeIndex ts (ndarray): array with time stamps in unix format (seconds since 1-1-1970) Returns: pd.DataFrame with only the closest time steps to ts """ tstart = time.time() try: assert df.index.inferred_type == 'datetime64', "Dataframe Index is not a DatetimeIndex trying to turn into one" except AssertionError: df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, infer_datetime_format=True) df_ts = df.index.values.astype(np.float64) / 10 ** 9 # convert datetime index to seconds since 1970-01-01 df_list = [] # initialize lsit to append df rows closest to input time steps to for t in ts: id_diff_min = argnearest(df_ts, t) # find index of nearest dship time step to input time step ts_id_diff_min = df.index[id_diff_min] # get time stamp of closest index df_list.append(df.loc[ts_id_diff_min]) # append row to list # concatenate all rows into one dataframe with the original header (transpose) df_closest = pd.concat(df_list, axis=1).T"Done finding closest time steps in {time.time() - tstart:.2f} seconds") return df_closest
[docs]def spectra2sldr(ZSpec, paraminfo, **kwargs): """ This routine calculates the Args: ZSpec (dict): list containing the dicts for each chrip of RPG-FMCW Doppler cloud radar paraminfo (dict): information from params_[campaign].toml for the system LIMRAD94 Returns: container_dict (dict): dictionary of larda containers, including larda container for Ze, VEL, sw, skew, kurt """ tstart = time.time() # initialize variables: tspec_lin = ZSpec['VHSpec']['var'].copy() # - ZSpec[iC]['mean'] hspec_lin = ZSpec['HSpec']['var'].copy() tspec_lin = ZSpec['thresh']['var'].copy() # - ZSpec[iC]['mean'] vspec_lin = tspec_lin - hspec_lin Revhspec_lin = ZSpec['ReVHSpec']['var'].copy() Imvhspec_lin = ZSpec['ImVHSpec']['var'].copy() vspec_lin[vspec_lin <= 0.0] = np.nan hspec_lin[hspec_lin <= 0.0] = np.nan Revhspec_lin[Revhspec_lin <= 0.0] = np.nan Imvhspec_lin[Imvhspec_lin <= 0.0] = np.nan vhspec_complex = Revhspec_lin + Imvhspec_lin * 1j for j in range(vspec_lin.shape[0]): Zt = tspec_lin[j, :, :] Zh = hspec_lin[j, :, :] Zre = Revhspec_lin[j, :, :] Zim = Imvhspec_lin[j, :, :] """ ZT = double(ncread(filename,['C' num2str(i) 'VSpec'])); % In the case of STSR mode, this variable contains the combined reflectivity spectrum ZH = double(ncread(filename,['C' num2str(i) 'HSpec'])); % Spectrum in the horizontal channel ZRE = double(ncread(filename,['C' num2str(i) 'ReVHSpec'])); % Real part of the covariance spectrum ZIM = double(ncread(filename,['C' num2str(i) 'ImVHSpec'])); % Imaginary part of the covariance spectrum NV = double(ncread(filename,['C' num2str(i) 'VNoisePow'])); % Integrated noise in the vertical channel NH = double(ncread(filename,['C' num2str(i) 'HNoisePow'])); % Integrated noise in the horizontal channel SLDR = zeros(size(ZT,2),size(ZT,3)) * NaN; for j = 1:size(ZT,3) Zt = ZT(:,:,j); Zh = ZH(:,:,j); Zre = ZRE(:,:,j); Zim = ZIM(:,:,j); Nv = NV(:,j); Nh = NH(:,j); if SW >= 540 Zv = 4 * Zt - Zh - 2 * Zre; % Starting from the software version 5.40, the combined spectrum is normalized by 4 else Zv = 2 * Zt - Zh - 2 * Zre; % In the previous versions the combined spectrum was normalized by 2 end clear Zt Nfft = size(Zv,1); % Number of spectral lines Nv = Nv/Nfft; % Spectral noise power in each spectral bin Nh = Nh/Nfft; % Spectral noise power in each spectral bin Nv = repmat(Nv,1,Nfft)'; Nh = repmat(Nh,1,Nfft)'; % Method based on Galletti et al. 2011 % According to (10) in the Galletti's paper the depolarization % ratio can be calculated from the degree of polarization in the % case of the reflectio symmetry. In the case of vertical % observations the assumption is typically reasonable. The % assumption is sometimes not applicable in thunderstorm clouds, % where electrical activity can allign ice particles in a certain % direction. This formula also cannot be used at lower elevation % angles since liquid and ice particles tend to orient % horizontally. % In the STSR radars the degree of polarization is related to the % correlation coefficient (see eq. (12) in Galletti and Zrnic 2012). % In the case of vertical observations ZDR is most of the time 1 % (or 0 dB). In this case the degree of polarization is equal to % the correlation coefficient. Thus, in the eq. (10) in the % Galletti's paper we can use the correlation coefficient instead % of the degree of polarization. % The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not take into % account that we have signal + noise and we are only interested in % the depolarization ratio of the signal. In other words, if SNR is % low, there will be strong apparent depolarization caused by noise. % In order to avoid this, I have introduced the threshold of 30 dB. % The 30 dB threshold has been chosen because this is typically the % level of polarimetric coupling in the good antennas of % meteorological radars. SNRv = Zv./Nv; SNRh = Zh./Nh; % Spectral lines with less than 30 dB SNR are replaced by NaN % values k = find((SNRv < 1000) | (SNRh < 1000)); Zv(k) = NaN; Zh(k) = NaN; Zre(k) = NaN; Zim(k) = NaN; Nv(k) = NaN; Nh(k) = NaN; clear k SNRv SNRh Zv = squeeze(nansum(Zv)); Zh = squeeze(nansum(Zh)); Zre = squeeze(nansum(Zre)); Zim = squeeze(nansum(Zim)); Nv = squeeze(nansum(Nv)); Nh = squeeze(nansum(Nh)); k = find((Zv ==0) | (Zh == 0)); Zv(k) = NaN; Zh(k) = NaN; Zre(k) = NaN; Zim(k) = NaN; rhv = abs(Zre+1i*Zim)./sqrt((Zv+Nv).*(Zh+Nh)); % Correlation coefficient for each spectral bin sldr = ((1-rhv)./(1+rhv)); % Depolarization ratio according to (10) sldr = single(sldr); SLDR(:,j) = sldr'; """'Polarimetric spectra & products calculated, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]') return pol
[docs]def spectra2polarimetry(ZSpec, paraminfo, **kwargs): """ This routine calculates the Args: ZSpec (dict): list containing the dicts for each chrip of RPG-FMCW Doppler cloud radar paraminfo (dict): information from params_[campaign].toml for the system LIMRAD94 Returns: container_dict (dict): dictionary of larda containers, including larda container for Ze, VEL, sw, skew, kurt """ tstart = time.time() # initialize variables: vspec_lin = ZSpec['VHSpec']['var'].copy() # - ZSpec[iC]['mean'] hspec_lin = ZSpec['HSpec']['var'].copy() vspec_lin = vspec_lin - hspec_lin Revhspec_lin = ZSpec['ReVHSpec']['var'].copy() Imvhspec_lin = ZSpec['ImVHSpec']['var'].copy() vspec_lin[vspec_lin <= 0.0] = np.nan hspec_lin[hspec_lin <= 0.0] = np.nan Revhspec_lin[Revhspec_lin <= 0.0] = np.nan Imvhspec_lin[Imvhspec_lin <= 0.0] = np.nan vhspec_complex = Revhspec_lin + Imvhspec_lin * 1j ZDR = vspec_lin / hspec_lin rhoVH = np.absolute(vhspec_complex) / (vspec_lin * hspec_lin) phiDP = np.angle(vhspec_complex) tmp1 = vspec_lin + hspec_lin - 2 * Revhspec_lin tmp2 = vspec_lin + hspec_lin + 2 * Revhspec_lin SLDR = tmp1 / tmp2 CORR = np.absolute(vspec_lin - hspec_lin + 2j * Imvhspec_lin) / np.sqrt(tmp1 * tmp2) pol = {'ZDR_s': ZDR, 'ZDR': np.nansum(ZDR, axis=2), 'rhoVH_s': rhoVH, 'rhoVH': np.nansum(rhoVH, axis=2), 'phiDP_s': phiDP, 'phiDP': np.nansum(phiDP, axis=2), 'ldr_s': SLDR, 'ldr': np.nansum(SLDR, axis=2), 'CORR_s': CORR, 'CORR': np.nansum(CORR, axis=2) }'Polarimetric spectra & products calculated, elapsed time = {seconds_to_fstring(time.time() - tstart)} [min:sec]') return pol