import datetime
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
import sys
import pyLARDA.helpers as h
import pyLARDA.Transformations as Transf
import pyLARDA.NcReader as NcReader
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# compile and load the c-version
#import pyximport
import pyLARDA.peakTree_fastbuilder as peakTree_fastbuilder
fastbuilder = True
print('using peakTree fastbuilder')
# use the numpy only version
fastbuilder = False
#logger.exception("compiling peakTree_fastbuilder failed, using numpy version")
def build_tree_py(data, ldr_avail):
"""pure python/numpy version of the build tree function
(slower than the compiled cython version)
Indices in the stacked data array:
.. code::
0: 'parent', 1: 'Z', 2: 'v',
3: 'width', 4: 'skew', 5: 'threshold',
6: 'prominence', 7: 'bound_l', 8: 'bound_r',
9: 'LDR', 10: 'ldrmax'
travtree = {}
#logger.debug('peakTree parent {}'.format(ncD.variables['parent'][it,ir,:]))
parent = np.ma.masked_less(data[:,0], -990)
avail_nodes = np.argwhere(parent > -10).ravel()
#print(data[:,0].mask, type(data[:,0]), parent, avail_nodes)
for k in avail_nodes.tolist():
node = {'parent_id': (data[k,0]).item(),
'thres': (data[k,5]).item(),
'width': (data[k,3]).item(),
'z': (data[k,1]).item(),
'bounds': ((data[k,7]).item(), (data[k,8]).item()),
#'coords': [0],
'skew': (data[k,4]).item(),
'prominence': (data[k,6]).item(),
'v': (data[k,2]).item()}
node['id'] = k
node['bounds'] = list(map(int, node['bounds']))
node['width'] = node['width'] if np.isfinite(node['width']) else -99
node['skew'] = node['skew'] if np.isfinite(node['skew']) else -99
node['thres'] = node['thres'] if np.isfinite(node['thres']) else -99
node['prominence'] = node['prominence'] if np.isfinite(node['prominence']) else -99
if ldr_avail:
node['ldr'] = (data[k,9]).item()
node['ldr'] = node['ldr'] if np.isfinite(node['ldr']) else -99
node['ldrmax'] = (data[k,10]).item()
node['ldrmax'] = node['ldrmax'] if np.isfinite(node['ldrmax']) else -99
node['ldr'], node['ldrmax'] = -99, -99
if node['parent_id'] != -999:
if k == 0:
node['coords'] = [0]
coords = travtree[node['parent_id']]['coords']
if k%2 == 0:
node['coords'] = coords + [1]
node['coords'] = coords + [0]
# remove the parent id for compatibility to peakTreeVis
if node['parent_id'] == -1:
del node['parent_id']
# format for transport
#v = {ky: format_for_json(val) for ky, val in v.items()}
travtree[k] = node
return travtree
def array_to_tree_py(data, ldr_avail):
"""convert the array from the netcdf to var of data container
pure python/numpy version
(slower than the compiled cython version)
trees = np.empty((data.shape[0], data.shape[1]), dtype=object)
mask = np.empty((data.shape[0], data.shape[1]), dtype=bool)
mask[:] = True
for it in range(data.shape[0]):
for ir in range(data.shape[1]):
trees[it, ir] = build_tree_py(data[it,ir,:,:], ldr_avail)
mask[it, ir] = False
return trees, mask
def peakTree_reader(paraminfo):
"""build a function for reading the peakTree data (setup by connector)"""
def pt_ret(f, time_interval, *further_intervals):
"""function that converts the peakTree netCDF to the data container
logger.debug("filename at reader {}".format(f))
with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ncD:
times = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_variable']][:].astype(np.float64)
if 'time_millisec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \
paraminfo['time_millisec_variable'] in ncD.variables:
subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_millisec_variable']][:]/1.0e3
times += subsec
if 'time_microsec_variable' in paraminfo.keys() and \
paraminfo['time_microsec_variable'] in ncD.variables:
subsec = ncD.variables[paraminfo['time_microsec_variable']][:]/1.0e6
times += subsec
timeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array(
paraminfo['time_conversion'], ncD=ncD)
ts = timeconverter(times)
#print('timestamps ', ts[:5])
# setup slice to load base on time_interval
it_b = h.argnearest(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0]))
if len(time_interval) == 2:
it_e = h.argnearest(ts, h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[1]))
if ts[it_e] < h.dt_to_ts(time_interval[0])-3*np.median(np.diff(ts)):
'last profile of file {}\n at {} too far from {}'.format(
f, h.ts_to_dt(ts[it_e]), time_interval[0]))
return None
it_e = it_e+1 if not it_e == ts.shape[0]-1 else None
slicer = [slice(it_b, it_e)]
slicer = [slice(it_b, it_b+1)]
if paraminfo['ncreader'] == 'peakTree':
range_tg = True
range_interval = further_intervals[0]
ranges = ncD.variables[paraminfo['range_variable']]
logger.debug('loader range conversion {}'.format(paraminfo['range_conversion']))
rangeconverter, _ = h.get_converter_array(
ir_b = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[0])
if len(range_interval) == 2:
if not range_interval[1] == 'max':
ir_e = h.argnearest(rangeconverter(ranges[:]), range_interval[1])
ir_e = ir_e+1 if not ir_e == ranges.shape[0]-1 else None
ir_e = None
slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_e))
slicer.append(slice(ir_b, ir_b+1))
varconverter, maskconverter = h.get_converter_array(
its = np.arange(ts.shape[0])[tuple(slicer)[0]]
irs = np.arange(ranges.shape[0])[tuple(slicer)[1]]
var = np.empty((its.shape[0], irs.shape[0]), dtype=object)
mask = np.empty((its.shape[0], irs.shape[0]), dtype=bool)
mask[:] = True
param_list = [
ncD.variables['parent'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:], #0
ncD.variables['Z'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:], #1
ncD.variables['v'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:], #2
ncD.variables['width'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:], #3
ncD.variables['skew'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:], #4
ncD.variables['threshold'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:], #5
ncD.variables['prominence'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:], #6
ncD.variables['bound_l'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:], #7
ncD.variables['bound_r'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:] #8
if 'LDR' in ncD.variables.keys():
ldr_avail = True
param_list.append(ncD.variables['LDR'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:]) #9
param_list.append(ncD.variables['ldrmax'][tuple(slicer)[0],tuple(slicer)[1],:]) #10
ldr_avail = False
data = np.stack(tuple(param_list), axis=3)
if fastbuilder:
var, mask = peakTree_fastbuilder.array_to_tree_c(data.astype(float), ldr_avail)
var, mask = array_to_tree_py(data, ldr_avail)
data = {}
data['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range', 'dict']
data["filename"] = f
data["paraminfo"] = paraminfo
data['ts'] = ts[tuple(slicer)[0]]
data['system'] = paraminfo['system']
data['name'] = paraminfo['paramkey']
data['colormap'] = paraminfo['colormap']
if 'meta' in paraminfo:
data['meta'] = NcReader.get_meta_from_nc(ncD, paraminfo['meta'], paraminfo['variable_name'])
data['rg'] = rangeconverter(ranges[tuple(slicer)[1]])
data['rg_unit'] = NcReader.get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_rg_unit",
paraminfo, ranges)
logger.debug('shapes {} {} {}'.format(ts.shape, ranges.shape, var.shape))
logger.debug('shapes {} {}'.format(ts.shape, var.shape))
data['var_unit'] = NcReader.get_var_attr_from_nc("identifier_var_unit",
paraminfo, var)
data['var_lims'] = [float(e) for e in \
paraminfo, var)]
data['var'] = varconverter(var)
data['mask'] = maskconverter(mask)
return data
return pt_ret
def tree_to_timeheight(data_cont, param, sel_node=0, **kwargs):
"""convert the tree data container to a normal time-height data container by extracting a node and a parameter
data_cont (dict): data container
param (str): parameter to select, eg z, v
sel_node (np.array or int, optional): integer or array of index to select
data container of dimension ``['time', 'range']``
assert data_cont['dimlabel'] == ['time', 'range', 'dict'], "dimlabel does not match"
if type(sel_node) is not int:
assert data_cont['var'].shape == sel_node.shape
sel_nodes_array = True
sel_nodes_array = False
new_cont = data_cont.copy()
var = np.empty(data_cont['var'].shape, dtype=float)
var[:] = np.nan
mask = np.empty(data_cont['var'].shape, dtype=bool)
mask[:] = True
for index, tree in np.ndenumerate(data_cont['var']):
#print(index, sel_nodes[index])
if param == 'no_nodes':
var[index] = len(data_cont['var'][index].keys())
mask[index] = False
elif sel_nodes_array:
if not sel_node[index] == -1:
var[index] = data_cont['var'][index][sel_node[index]][param] if sel_node[index] in data_cont['var'][index] else np.nan
mask[index] = False
if sel_node in data_cont['var'][index]:
var[index] = data_cont['var'][index][sel_node][param]
mask[index] = False
new_cont['var'] = var
new_cont['mask'] = mask
new_cont['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range']
new_cont['colormap'] = 'jet'
new_cont['var_lims'] = [-50, 10]
if 'var_units' in kwargs:
new_cont['var_units'] = kwargs
return new_cont
def select_rimed_node(data_cont):
"""select the rimed nodes from a peaktree data container
The nodes are filtered by the rule:
``abs(n['v'][0]-n['v'][-1]) > 1.5``
data_cont: peakTree data container
data_container with selected indices in ``var`` of shape ``(time, range)``
new_cont = {**data_cont}
var = np.empty(data_cont['var'].shape, dtype=int)
var[:] = -1
for index, tree in np.ndenumerate(data_cont['var']):
nodes = list(tree.values())
if nodes:
nodes.sort(key=lambda n: n['v'])
if len(nodes) > 1:
if abs(nodes[0]['v'] - nodes[-1]['v']) > 1.5:
var[index] = nodes[0]['id']
#print(index, nodes)
#print(index, len(nodes))
#print(k, ' filtered nodes ', len(nodes), [(e['id'], e['z'], e['v']) for e in nodes])
new_cont['var'] = var
new_cont['mask'] = (var == -1)
new_cont['name'] = 'selected index'
new_cont['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range']
new_cont['var_unit'] = ''
return new_cont
def select_liquid_node(data_cont, **kwargs):
"""select the liquid nodes from a peaktree data container
The nodes are filtered by the rule:
``n['z'] < -20 and abs(n['v']) < 0.3``
data_cont: peakTree data container
Key word arguments:
Z_thresh, maximum Z of liquid peak (default is -20)
LDR_thresh, maximum LDR of liquid peaks (LDR ignored if not given)
data_container with selected indices in ``var`` of shape ``(time, range)``
Z_thresh = kwargs['Z_thresh'] if 'Z_thresh' in kwargs else -20
LDR_thresh = kwargs['LDR_thresh'] if 'LDR_thresh' in kwargs else False
new_cont = {**data_cont}
var = np.empty(data_cont['var'].shape, dtype=int)
var[:] = -1
for index, tree in np.ndenumerate(data_cont['var']):
if not LDR_thresh:
nodes = list(filter(lambda n: n['z'] < Z_thresh and abs(n['v']) < 0.3, tree.values()))
nodes = list(filter(lambda n: n['z'] < Z_thresh and abs(n['v']) < 0.3 and n['ldr'] < LDR_thresh,
if nodes:
nodes.sort(key=lambda n: n['v'])
if len(nodes) > 1:
# print(index, nodes)
# print(index, len(nodes))
# print(k, ' filtered nodes ', len(nodes), [(e['id'], e['z'], e['v']) for e in nodes])
var[index] = nodes[-1]['id']
new_cont['var'] = var
new_cont['mask'] = (var == -1)
new_cont['name'] = 'selected index'
new_cont['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range']
new_cont['var_unit'] = ''
return new_cont
def select_columnar_ice(data_cont, **kwargs):
"""select columnar ice nodes from a peaktree data container
The nodes are filtered by the rule:
``n['z'] < -10 and n['ldr'] >= -20``
data_cont: peakTree data container
Key word arguments:
Z_thresh, maximum Z of columnar ice peak (default is -10)
LDR_thresh, minimum LDR of columnar ice peaks
data_container with selected indices in ``var`` of shape ``(time, range)``
Z_thresh = kwargs['Z_thresh'] if 'Z_thresh' in kwargs else -10
LDR_thresh = kwargs['LDR_thresh'] if 'LDR_thresh' in kwargs else -20
new_cont = {**data_cont}
var = np.empty(data_cont['var'].shape, dtype=int)
var[:] = -1
for index, tree in np.ndenumerate(data_cont['var']):
nodes = list(filter(lambda n: n['z'] < Z_thresh and ((n['ldr'] >= LDR_thresh) & (n['ldr']<=-15)),
if nodes:
nodes.sort(key=lambda n: n['v'])
var[index] = nodes[0]['id'] #use the lowest-level node for which the thresholds apply -> 0 index
new_cont['var'] = var
new_cont['mask'] = (var == -1)
new_cont['name'] = 'selected index'
new_cont['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range']
new_cont['var_unit'] = ''
return new_cont
def select_frozen_drops(data_cont, vel=-1.8, prom=2):
"""select the fastest-falling ice nodes from a peaktree data container
node index = 1 or 3
minimum prominence: 2 dB
velocity >= 1.8 m/s
data_cont: peakTree data container
data_container with selected indices in ``var`` of shape ``(time, range)``
new_cont = {**data_cont}
var = np.empty(data_cont['var'].shape, dtype=int)
var[:] = -1
for index, tree in np.ndenumerate(data_cont['var']):
if tree:
if 3 in data_cont['var'][index]:
if data_cont['var'][index][3]['prominence'] > prom:
if data_cont['var'][index][3]['v'] < vel:
var[index] = 3
elif 1 in data_cont['var'][index]:
if data_cont['var'][index][1]['prominence'] > prom:
if data_cont['var'][index][1]['v'] < vel:
var[index] = 1
new_cont['var'] = var
new_cont['mask'] = (var == -1)
new_cont['name'] = 'selected index'
new_cont['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range']
new_cont['var_unit'] = ''
return new_cont
def select_fastest_node(data_cont):
"""select the fastest-falling nodes from a peaktree data container
data_cont: peakTree data container
data_container with selected indices in ``var`` of shape ``(time, range)``
new_cont = {**data_cont}
var = np.empty(data_cont['var'].shape, dtype=int)
var[:] = -1
for index, tree in np.ndenumerate(data_cont['var']):
if tree:
fastest = min([x['v'] for x in tree.values()])
nodes = list(filter(lambda n: n['v'] == fastest, tree.values()))
else: nodes = []
if nodes:
nodes.sort(key=lambda n: n['id'])
if len(nodes) > 1:
# print(index, nodes)
# print(index, len(nodes))
# print(k, ' filtered nodes ', len(nodes), [(e['id'], e['z'], e['v']) for e in nodes])
var[index] = nodes[0]['id']
new_cont['var'] = var
new_cont['mask'] = (var == -1)
new_cont['name'] = 'selected index'
new_cont['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range']
new_cont['var_unit'] = ''
return new_cont
def select_large_ice(data_cont, **kwargs):
"""select the large ice-nodes from a peaktree data container if they have high reflectivity and low LDR
! Rain must be excluded !
data_cont: peakTree data container
Key word arguments:
Z_thresh, minimum Z of large ice peak (default is -10)
LDR_thresh, maximum LDR of large ice peaks
data_container with selected indices in ``var`` of shape ``(time, range)``
Z_thresh = kwargs['Z_thresh'] if 'Z_thresh' in kwargs else -10
LDR_thresh = kwargs['LDR_thresh'] if 'LDR_thresh' in kwargs else -20
new_cont = {**data_cont}
var = np.empty(data_cont['var'].shape, dtype=int)
var[:] = -1
for index, tree in np.ndenumerate(data_cont['var']):
if tree:
#fastest = min([x['v'] for x in tree.values()])
nodes = list(filter(lambda n: n['z']>= Z_thresh and n['ldr'] < LDR_thresh,
else: nodes = []
if nodes:
nodes.sort(key=lambda n: n['id'])
if len(nodes) > 1:
# print(index, nodes)
# print(index, len(nodes))
# print(k, ' filtered nodes ', len(nodes), [(e['id'], e['z'], e['v']) for e in nodes])
var[index] = nodes[0]['id']
new_cont['var'] = var
new_cont['mask'] = (var == -1)
new_cont['name'] = 'selected index'
new_cont['dimlabel'] = ['time', 'range']
new_cont['var_unit'] = ''
return new_cont
def plot_no_nodes(data_cont, **kwargs):
"""wrapper for :py:mod:`pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_timeheight2` to plot the no of nodes
data (dict): data container
no_peaks (bool): no_nodes or no_peaks
**kwargs: piped to plot_timeheight2 function
``fig, ax``
#data_cont['colormap'] = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(
# ["#ffffff", "#cdbfbc", "#987b61", "#fdff99", "#35d771", "#1177dd"], 'terrain_seq')
data_cont['colormap'] = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(
["#ffffff", "#cccccc", "#cc6677", "#88ccee", "#eecc66", "#332288"], 'pTcat')
# We must be sure to specify the ticks matching our target names
if 'no_peaks' in kwargs and kwargs['no_peaks']:
labels = {0: ' 0', 1: " 1", 2: " 2", 3: " 3", 4: " 4", 5: " 5"}
data_cont['name'] = 'no. peaks'
labels = {0: '0', 1: "1", 2: "3", 3: "5", 4: "7", 5: "9"}
data_cont['name'] = 'no. nodes'
cbarformatter = plt.FuncFormatter(lambda val, loc: labels[val])
data_cont['var'] = np.ceil(np.array(data_cont['var'])/2.)
data_cont["var_lims"] = [-0.5, 5.5]
fig, ax = Transf.plot_timeheight2(data_cont, **kwargs)
#ax.cbar.set_yticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
cbar = fig.axes[1]
#cbar.set_ylabel("Number of nodes", fontweight='semibold', fontsize=15)
fig.axes[1].set_yticks(list(labels.keys()), list(labels.values()))
#cbar_ylabel = ax.collections[-1].colorbar.ax.get_ylabel()
cbar_ylabel = fig.axes[1].get_ylabel()
return fig, ax
def plot_sel_index(data_cont, **kwargs):
"""wrapper for :py:mod:`pyLARDA.Transformations.plot_timeheight2` to plot the index of selected node
data (dict): data container
**kwargs: piped to plot_timeheight2 function
``fig, ax``
data_cont['colormap'] = plt.cm.get_cmap('jet', 7)
# We must be sure to specify the ticks matching our target names
data_cont['mask'] = (data_cont['var'] < 0)
data_cont["var_lims"] = [-0.5, 6.5]
fig, ax = Transf.plot_timeheight2(data_cont, **kwargs)
#ax.cbar.set_yticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
#cbar = fig.axes[1]
cbar_ylabel = fig.axes[1].get_ylabel()
#cbar.set_ylabel("Number of nodes", fontweight='semibold', fontsize=15)
return fig, ax
def child_iter(indices):
def children(i):
"helper to geht the correct order"
if i in indices:
yield i
yield from children(2*i+1)
yield from children(2*i+2)
return children
def to_text(data_cont):
"""represent the tree as a multiline string"""
maxind_at_level = np.cumsum([2**n for n in range(5)]) - 1
single_tree = data_cont['var']
no_levels = np.searchsorted(maxind_at_level, max(single_tree.keys()))
print("no levels", no_levels)
dt = h.ts_to_dt(data_cont['ts'])
lines = []
lines.append("tree at ts {} and rg {:.2f}".format(
dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3], data_cont['rg']))
header = "id (bounds) " + (no_levels)*" " + \
" Z v σ 𝛾"
if single_tree[0]['ldr'] != -99:
header += " ldr ldrmax"
header += " thres prom"
# iterate over children depth first, to build a proper tree
for i in child_iter(list(single_tree.keys()))(0):
moms = single_tree[i]
#print(i, moms["bounds"])
level = np.searchsorted(maxind_at_level, i)
spc_bef = ""
if level > 0:
if np.floor((i-1)/2.)%2 or np.floor((i-1)/2.) == 0:
if i%2:
spc_bef = " " + (level-1)*"| " + "+-"
spc_bef = " " + (level-1)*"| " + "`-"
if i%2:
spc_bef = " " + (level-2)*"| " + " +-"
spc_bef = " " + (level-2)*"| " + " `-"
spc_aft = (no_levels-level)*" "
bounds_f = '({:>3d}, {:>3d})'.format(*moms['bounds'])
momstr = '{:> 6.2f}, {:> 6.2f}, {:>5.2f}, {:> 3.2f}'.format(
moms['z'], moms['v'], moms['width'], moms['skew'])
if moms['ldr'] != -99:
momstr += ", {:> 5.1f}, {:> 5.1f}".format(moms['ldr'], moms['ldrmax'])
momstr += ", {:> 5.1f}, {:> 5.1f}".format(moms['thres'], moms['prominence'])
txt = "{}{:>2d} {}{} | {}".format(spc_bef, i, bounds_f, spc_aft, momstr)
return '\n'.join(lines)
def print_tree(data_cont):
"""print the tree as a multi line string"""